Next to that, I’ll be providing some other expressions that might come in handy when out and about in Germany. Try Clozemaster – over 50 languages and thousands of sentences to help you take your language learning to the next level. — Can you help me, please? Learn to write like a native speaker. — Would you mind showing me this on the map, please? German terms sometimes appear in English academic disciplines, e.g. This is where we write about language learning as well as post useful resources. Er/Sie braucht Medikamente. — Which platform is the train leaving from? — I’d like/we’d like a table for two/three/four, please. Generally speaking though, the word “Ticket” is usually enough for people to understand what you are referring to. It’s a delicious snack oftentimes served at (outdoor) pools and parks, although it’s definitely not for those watching their calorie intake. In the English-German dictionary you will see many opportunities to improve upon your English or German language skills. Medium Rare: Mittleres seltenes: Well-done: Gut durchbraten: Rare: Blutig: What could you recommend? Wann fährt der Zug ab? — Are you open yet? Bitte rufen Sie die Polizei. For instance, just as one could say either: I will go with you, if I can. so you can also say in German: — Is there a public restroom close by? Discussion of German history and culture requires some German words. Hält diese S-Bahn an der Haltestelle Feuersee? Ich brauche einen Krankenwagen. — Where are you from? Sign up here to save your progress and start getting fluent with thousands of German sentences at Clozemaster. — I’d like a table for one, please. Useful German phrases for health and safety It’s a good idea to memorize the German phrases below in case the unexpected happens. — I’d like four pretzel rolls, please. — Do you accept credit cards as well? Below you can find the most important German expressions that you might need when dealing with an emergency. If you are female, the correct expression would be: Ich bin Amerikanerin/Kanadierin/Spanierin. Danke, aber ich würde mich gerne noch ein bisschen umsehen. decided to try something new! English and German both are West Germanic languages, though their relationship has been obscured by the lexical influence of Old Norse and Norman French (as a consequence of the Norman conquest of England in 1066) on English as well as the High German consonant shift. A German expression in English is a German loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the English language. — I think I have broken something. — Where are you from? We divided them into different categories to help you find the phrase that suits your situation best. Test your skills and see what you’ve learned from this article by playing a selection of sentences with useful German phrases and expressions. German pronunciation in Hanover is not the same as spoken German in the Swiss Alps. Kann ich hier auch mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? Language learning, getting fluent faster, and Clozemaster. If you want to be more specific, you can use the word “Zugticket” (train ticket) or “Busticket” (bus ticket). Kennen Sie einen Mietwagenverleih in der Nähe? These 160 phrases are exactly what you need for travel, or to get around in Germany. Das steht mir leider nicht. I need an ambulance. Haben Sie eine Speisekarte auf Englisch? In most cities you will find both U-Bahn (“Untergrundbahn”, ‘underground train’) as well as S-Bahn (“Stadtschnellbahn”, basically an inner-city fast train), as well as regional trains commuting between larger cities (so-called ICE Zug or simply ICE, “Intercity Express”) or trains commuting between different cities which aren’t as fast as the ICE trains. Clozemaster has been designed to help you learn the language in context by filling in the gaps in authentic sentences. → If you want to be a bit more specific, you can also say: Welches Gericht können Sie empfehlen? Would you like something to drink? Haben Sie auch etwas, das ich ohne Rezept bekomme? (Maria is seeking advice from her friends.) Whether you are learning German “just because” or because you are planning to visit — or move to — Germany, getting familiar with some of the basics of German language is not only helpful in day-to-day life, but can also enhance your experience in a plethora of ways. → This phrase comes in handy when the salesperson is a little too enthusiastic. Ich schaue mich nur um, danke. Many German words sound a lot like their English counterparts. Wann fährt der letzte Zug/Bus nach Tübingen? — I am just looking, thank you. German common nouns fully adopted into English are in general not initially capitalised, and the German letter "ß" is generally changed to "ss". Everyone should take the time to learn these Being polite are just as important in German-speaking countries as they are in America. — Do you have anything that I won’t need a prescription for? These German phrases should come in handy when hunting for the perfect gift to give to a friend (or to yourself) or when shopping at the supermarket. — Do you offer regional specialties as well? Möchten Sie gerne etwas essen? Auf Englisch darf man zwischen Englisch und darf ein Komma setzen. Note that this expression pertains to the guys. — I am just looking, thank you. Haben Sie auch Spezialitäten aus der Region? — I’d like to go to Prenzlauer Berg. or Ich komme aus New York. einen Kater haben > The German idiom to express the feeling of fatigue, dizziness, and headaches after an alcohol-filled night out is “to have a tomcat.” Das Haar in der Suppe suchen > This German expression is used to characterize people who are … Your email address will not be published. A number of these expressions are used in American English, under the influence of German immigration, but not in British English. Before you start learning German, you should know that you already know some German words without actually being aware of it. These German phrases will serve as excellent “ice breakers”, especially when you are nervous about your first ventures into speaking German with native speakers. Bitte fahren Sie mich zum nächsten Krankenhaus. Ich hätte gerne eine Pommes rot-weiß. There are English translations of all the phrases, plus sound, which has been professionally recorded by native speakers. The following German phrases are vital for any trip abroad — no matter if it’s a short vacation or a long-term stay. Your email address will not be published. German words have been incorporated into English usage for many reasons: As languages, English and German descend from the common ancestor language West Germanic and further back to Proto-Germanic; because of this, some English words are essentially identical to their German lexical counterparts, either in spelling (Hand, Sand, Finger) or pronunciation ("fish" = Fisch, "mouse" = Maus), or both (Arm, Ring); these are excluded from this list. Try it now by making a very short, cat-hissing sound. We thank that to the fact that German and English are similar in many ways because they originate from one and the same language. You can use it when entering a store, approaching a stranger to ask for directions or when talking to somebody on the phone. If you are driving by car and you are lost, you could say: Ich habe mich verfahren. Bieten Sie auch Gerichte zum Mitnehmen an? — Which dish can you recommend? Der Bundesrat ist ein Verfassungsorgan Deutschlands. — Thank you, but I’d like to look around a bit more. Enjoy your meal — When is the last train/bus to Tübingen leaving? ( → In all seriousness though: I hope you will not need this one.). But if you learn basic German too, you'll be able to connect more with German speakers. peccator - "at the same time a righteous. — When is the next bus to Mitte leaving? — A small beer, please. hamburger), but most are comparatively rare. → This phrase can be used when you actually want to shop around for something some more before making a final decision, but it also can be used when a salesperson is being a little too pushy, essentially giving a subtle hint you’re not intending to buy anything there (without bluntly stating that). K: In economics, the letter K, from the German word, Völkerschlacht – the "Battle of the Nations" (that is, the, Fliegerhorst, another word for a military airport (Horst = predator bird's nest), Sollbruchstelle, predetermined breaking point, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 08:30. Check out the The Great Translation Game. — Are there any interesting sights here in the area? In recent years, however, many English words have been borrowed directly from German. When being introduced to a new group of people, there are several things you might be asked, such as: Wo kommst du her? (informal), Woher kommen Sie? → Some restaurants in Germany open their doors well after twelve o’clock noon (depending on if they serve dinner rather than lunch), so sometimes it is good to ask whether the establishment is open yet. Leben Sie schon lange hier? Take your German to the next level. Zum hier essen, bitte. — Do you still have this in a smaller/larger size? A loanword is a word borrowed from a donor language and incorporated into a recipient language without translation. It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host language. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. ), there are plenty of delicious treats to discover. Formal and Informal Forms. Einen Döner “mit scharf”, bitte. Wann fährt der nächste Bus nach Mitte? The differences between English and German. Especially when in an unfamiliar area it is important to know some basics in case you need to ask for directions. Entschuldigen Sie, ich habe eine Frage. Geht es hier lang zum Museum? Nach der Installation befinden sich darin bereits It’s no secret that Germany has an excellent public transportation system. In the end, you’ll find a list of emergency German phrases that are a must-have in case of illness or an … Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Mütze. “Clozemaster is THE best app to learn a language after Duolingo.”. These following German phrases might come in handy when using public trains: Mit welchem Zug/mit welcher U-Bahn/mit welcher S-Bahn komme ich nach Pankow? — Unfortunately, this doesn’t look good on me. Need more German? As a foreigner that clearly doesn’t know the language well and is just trying some phrases you probably won’t have to worry about it too much. — Please drive me to the nearest hospital. → “Pommes” (short for pommes frites, which is French for “french fries”) is the casual term for fries in Germany. Gibt es hier in der Nähe eine öffentliche Toilette? You might notice that the German equivalent of the English “good afternoon” doesn’t really exist in German. Otherwise, the staff will just assume that you’d like to stay a little bit longer, and won’t bother you at all. — Could you please put this on hold for me? Okay, important differences between Dutch and German you’d have to keep in mind: in Dutch we don’t use cases for noun words. eesh kahn nikht [zo goot] doytsh shpreH-en: Ich verstehe nicht. 2. Some of the expressions are relatively common (e.g. In m… Don’t panic, it’s just a word on a word, and the language is well-known for building new, hyper-specific words that express life more perfectly than any English word ever could. It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host language. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Ich hoffe, es geht euch gut! One advantage of German cities and smaller towns is that a lot of landmarks and sights can be explored by foot.