6 Abs. Availability is about uninterrupted and swift access to the website and its content, frequently, a DDoS attack may disrupt website availability and prevent legitimate users from accessing it. ad.sxp.smartclip.net receives about 365 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 642,660 in the world. Not all GDRP requirements are technical, for example, availability and protection of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) is rather of HR and legal part of the GDPR compliance. https://www.immuniweb.com/websec/api/v1/chsec/[ustamp].html - where "ustamp" is an arbitrary UNIX time-stamp (must be an integer). Modern WAF also reduces the number of malicious bots, accelerates website speed and blocks IP addresses known to be infected by malware or participating in DDoS attacks for example. 1 lit. For example, some security-related headers (on the web server side), like X-XSS-Protection or even more powerful Content Security Policy (CSP), are recommended to enhance web application and web server security by mitigating some vectors of XSS and related attacks. HTTP headers are part of an HTTP request sent by web browser to web server, or vice-versa, to pass additional information related to the transmitted content, its format or structure, or specifying some security or privacy features like setting Do Not Track (DNT) directive. Smart-Clip: unlock/flash/repair Motorola, Alcatel, Vodafone, Sony Ericsson, Sendo cell phones easily Personenbezogene Daten werden von uns nur dann und nur in dem Umfang und zu dem Zweck erhoben, zu dem Sie uns die Daten von sich aus, z. smartclip.net. Smartclip Italia, Milan, Italy. You may test GDPR compliance of your website by using a free security test by ImmuniWeb Community Edition. Moreover, many security standards and compliance requirements, like PCI DSS, expressly required WAF presence. Flag for Review (sign in) Tag Status Is this an appropriate tag? Sie können Ihren Browser allerdings so einstellen, dass keine Cookies gespeichert werden oder vor dem Speichern eines Cookies eine explizite Zustimmung erforderlich ist. For example, a client-side request sent by the browser may specify that the user does not wish to be tracked by sending a DNT (Do Not Track) HTTP server. Such construction is done to prevent caching on client side. GDPR compliance test shall cover people, processes and technologies that handle or process Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of European residents by your organization. Sollten Sie direkt mit unserem Datenschutzbeauftragten kommunizieren wollen (beispielsweise, weil Sie ein besonders sensibles Anliegen haben), kontaktieren Sie diesen bitte auf dem Postweg, da die Kommunikation per E-Mail immer Sicherheitslücken aufweisen kann. Mit dieser Datenschutzerklärung möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, wie wir auf der Webseite privacy-portal.smartclip.net personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten. Integrity involves security of the stored data, for example, attackers shall not be able to modify data or distort any information available on the website. angeben, mit Ihrer Einwilligung, Art. You may test your website PCI DSS compliance with a free online scanner by ImmuniWeb Community Edition. Darunter fallen Informationen und Angaben wie Ihr Name, Ihre Adresse oder sonstige Postanschrift, die Telefonnummer oder auch Ihre E-Mail-Adresse. Domain: The domain of the site that resulted in cookies being set (normally this should be the root domain, ex. Wir haben umfangreiche technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen ergriffen, um Ihre Daten gegen mögliche Gefahren, wie unbefugten Zugang oder Zugriff, unbefugte Kenntnisnahme, Veränderung oder Verbreitung, sowie vor Verlust, Zerstörung oder Missbrauch zu sichern. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine aktuelle Übersicht über alle Cookies, die von smartclip eingesetzt werden: Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Widerruf, Beschwerde, Löschung und Sperrung. Website owners shall maintain security by timely installing security patches, using unique and strong passwords, and ensuring that the website hosting is likewise secure. Datenschutzrelevante Informationen zu den übrigen Produkten von smartclip finden sie u.a. Sie haben das Recht, Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in einem gängigen, strukturierten und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Durante los fríos meses de invierno, la casa debe ser un lugar cálido a la vez que acogedor. Smart-Clip is a professional device that removes SP/SIM/phone lock and resets Security/User Code for and Sendo cell phones. The law was enacted in response to skyrocketing number of data breaches, leaks and unscrupulous handling of PII for commercial or even unlawful purposes without the consent of people. Both types of HTTP headers work by sending various instructions alongside with HTTP request on how to handle or process this request. Personenbezogene Daten sind alle Informationen über persönliche und sachliche Verhältnisse einer bestimmten oder bestimmbaren Person. Die meisten Browser akzeptieren Cookies automatisch. ImmuniWeb Community Edition provides a free API for the Website Security Test. This website uses cookies to provide you with a better surfing experience. For simple cases and weak DDoS attacks, WAF can at least keep the website up by blocking malicious IP addresses or by limiting access to the website from certain countries, but the website will likely become slower. Security of CMS is ensured by its developers that implement security controls and protection mechanisms to prevent known attacks against the CMS such as SQL injections or XSS. Some security headers, like Content Security Policy (CSP), are fairly complicated to configure due to the need to maintain sufficient website functionality but if properly implemented may mitigate a wide spectrum of XSS (Cross Site Scripting) and other attacks by disallowing insecure or untrusted content from running in user’s web browser. ex: .google.com). auf der Startseite dieses Portals. Sie haben das Recht, Auskunft darüber zu verlangen, ob und welche personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen durch uns verarbeitet werden. 1 lit. festgestellt werden, ob Sie eine Webseite schon einmal besucht haben. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung in die Verarbeitung und Verwendung Ihrer Daten vollständig oder teilweise jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen. WordPress security mostly depends on whether your installation of WordPress CMS, its plugins and themes, are all up2date. In view of COVID-19 precaution measures, we remind you that ImmuniWeb Platform allows to easily configure and safely buy online all available solutions in a few clicks. Some HTTP headers may be browser or web server specific. wenn wir die Daten zur Durchführung eines Vertrags benötigen, höchstens solange, wie das Vertragsverhältnis mit Ihnen besteht oder gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfristen laufen. Start using now, nothing to download or install: Monitor and detect your Dark Web exposure, phishing and domain squatting, Test your servers for security and compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA & NIST, https://www.immuniweb.com/websec/api/v1/chsec/1451425590.html, "2a9e1f1bc92dc0c7a4bde930dff488771eea6d36988208d34163c5496227b8dc", 2a9e1f1bc92dc0c7a4bde930dff488771eea6d36988208d34163c5496227b8dc, https://www.immuniweb.com/websec/api/v1/get_result/1451425590.html, "c84936eef26eeb8aaef5ffc43f38ddb91adfd90ac27fb416bd0b21fe2edb1004", c84936eef26eeb8aaef5ffc43f38ddb91adfd90ac27fb416bd0b21fe2edb1004, "Domain name was resolved in an invalid IP address", https://www.immuniweb.com/websec/gen_pdf/, credentials are available in the Dark Web, credentials compromised during the last year, of stolen credentials are accessible in plaintext, of passwords are bruteforceable in a minute, at least 1 medium-risk security vulnerability, of the banks have security vulnerabilities or, of FT 500 can find access to some of their, of external web applications have exploitable, HttpOnly cookies OWASP manual, Secure flag cookies OWASP manual, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ad.sxp.smartclip.net uses n/a web technologies. Consider checking for a special plugin that hardens WP security by activating supplementary controls and mechanisms unavailable by default, and restricts access to configuration files. Es handelt sich dabei um ein standardisiertes Verschlüsselungsverfahren für Online-Dienste, insbesondere für das Web. Simple standalone one-button operation. zu Einschränkungen bei der Nutzung unserer Webseite führen kann. Server-side HTTP headers are to be configured via a web server by going to its admin interface or updating its configuration file. Bei jedem Zugriff auf unsere Internet-Seiten werden Nutzungsdaten durch den jeweiligen Internetbrowser übermittelt und in Protokolldateien, den sogenannten Server-Logfiles, gespeichert. Erg fijn, waardoor de smartclips door al … Wir benötigen die Cookies für die technische Steuerung der Webseite, z.B. Vérifiez sxp.smartclip.net site est une arnaque ou un site Web sécurisé. Please enable JavaScript in your browser in order to use this page, Provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, Get instant notifications on website grade or compliance change with, Discover all your subdomains, APIs and public cloud storage with, Get instant alerts about misconfigured or vulnerable web servers with, Get instant alerts about vulnerable or outdated web software with, Get zero False Positives SLA testing and actionable remediation guidelines with, Get continuous GDPR compliance monitoring for all your websites, APIs and cloud with, Get continuous PCI DSS compliance monitoring for all your websites, APIs and cloud with, Get continuous CSP monitoring for all your websites and web servers with, Attack Surface Management with Dark Web Monitoring. smartclip is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and/or services you requested from us. Data privacy relevant information on the other products of smartclip can be accessed on our privacy portal at https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net. 17.04.2020 - HTTPS Everywhere permet de forcer/contraindre le site Web sysops-smartclip.net, utilisant HTTPS sur certaines de ses pages seulement, à le faire sur … Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. For example, you may test your website GDRP compliance with a free online test provided by ImmuniWeb Community Edition. It shares the number of tests performed via web interface: ImmuniWeb Community Edition also provide a premium API for a higher number of tests via API or web interface: The number of API requests will be available via web interface under your account, The number of API requests will be shared among all users with the same domain name as your account. Außerdem können Sie bereits gesetzte Cookies jederzeit löschen. Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, … wenn Sie in die Verarbeitung eingewilligt haben höchstens solange, bis Sie Ihre Einwilligung widerrufen. The data is mostly represented by files and databases of the website. Darüberhinaus gewährleisten wir durch die Cookies die Sicherheit der Webseite (Captchas) als auch die korrekte Rechtevergabe im Anmeldebereich. To test WordPress security, make a holistic inventory of WP components and plugins and ensure they are all up2date. Die dabei gespeicherten Datensätze enthalten die folgenden Daten: Diese Logfile-Datensätze werden in anonymisierter Form ausgewertet, um das Angebot zu verbessern und nutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten, Fehler zu finden und zu beheben und die Auslastung von Servern zu steuern. Then, your PCI DSS security auditors shall meticulously audit and test all applicable requirements of the PCI DSS standard implemented in your network. mittels SSL-Verschlüsselung. After, check various vulnerability databases that may contain information about known but still unpatched vulnerabilities or weaknesses exploited by the attackers in the wild. You can add up to 3 websites for free that will be tested with the Website Security Test every 7 days. 557 likes. Um Ihre persönlichen Daten bei der Übertragung vor unberechtigtem Zugriff Dritter zu schützen, sichern wir die Datenübertragungen ggf. "on" means that test results will be hidden, "off" means that test results will be displayed in statistics. Sie haben auch das Recht auf Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde, wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten gegen die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen verstößt. While some of the client-side HTTP headers can be configured directly by using GUI of your web browser if it supports customized HTTP headers configuration. 4.93% of the publishers we track have authorized smartclip.net. des.smartclip.net test results | Web server and website security, GDPR and PCI DSS compliance test: C - At the beginning of the test, the score is set to 100, - Points are added for good and reliable configuration of your website and web server, - Points are deducted for insecure, incomplete or unreliable configuration of your website or web server, - Total points for all detected CMS(s) and CMS components will not go below -50 or above +50, - Total points for all detected JS components will not go below -20 or above +20, - Total points for all HTTP methods and CSP will not go below -30 or above +30, - Total points for all cookies will not go below -10 or above +10, - No website may score above "C" if a vulnerable software is found, - No website may score above "B+" if CMS is not up2date, - No website may score below "C" if its CMS and CMS components have no known vulnerabilities, - Server gets an "N" if a tested port is closed or HTTP status code is not 200, 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308, CMS component is not up2date and is vulnerable, JS component is not up2date and is vulnerable, Server supports TRACE, TRACK or CONNECT HTTP method, A cookie does not have the HttpOnly flag set, A cookie has the SameSite flag set to Lax, A cookie has the SameSite flag set to Strict, A cookie does not have the SameSite flag set, A cookie name has the "__Secure-" prefix and its prerequisites, A cookie name has the "__Host-" prefix and its prerequisites, The website is using resources from third-party domains that cannot be resolved, Header has default-src set to 'none' or 'self', Header contains wildcard in default-src directive, Header contains wildcard in any other directive, Header has frame-ancestors directive set and restricting sources and X-Frame-Options header is not set, Header has frame-ancestors directive set with wildcard and X-Frame-Options header is not set, Header has frame-ancestors directive set and consistent with X-Frame-Options header value, Header has frame-ancestors directive set and inconsistent with X-Frame-Options header value, Header enables XSS blocking and X-XSS-Protection header is not set, Header enables XSS filtering and X-XSS-Protection header is not set, Header has the reflected-xss directive set and consistent with X-XSS-Protection header value, Header contains the Reflected XSS directive with a different value than X-XSS-Protection header, Header has the upgrade-insecure-requests or the block-all-mixed-content directive set, Header discloses server's software version. When dealing with client-side headers, DNT (Do Not Track) header becomes incrementally popular. Launch site in a new window. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Deaktivieren von Cookies ggf. Die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten geschieht auf den folgenden Rechtsgrundlagen: Bei der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten verfolgen wir die folgenden berechtigten Interessen: Wenn nicht anders angegeben, erhalten wir die Daten von Ihnen (einschließlich über die von Ihnen verwendeten Geräte). By continuing to use this website you consent to our use of cookies. Most of the programming languages provide simple and ready-to-use functions to set most of the HTTP headers. Contrariwise, other server-side headers, like X-Powered-By or Server may disclosure internal or sensitive information and shall be removed. Dabei ist der Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre für uns von höchster Bedeutung. Deshalb ist das Einhalten der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Datenschutz für uns selbstverständlich. Über seine SmartX-Plattform bietet der Bewegtbildspezialist intelligente Multiscreen-Werbelösungen über zahlreiche Erlöskanäle und alle Endgeräte hinweg an. B. im Rahmen einer Registrierung zur Verfügung stellen. Supports over 11 000 Alcatel, Sony, Acer, Motorola, Huawei, ZTE, Vodafone, Lenovo and other devices based on MTK, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Hi-Silicon and TI platforms, not tied to a specific model list. Confidentiality relates to due protection of any sensitive data, for instance, logins and passwords of website users to ensure that nobody but the authorized personnel have access to it. a) DSGVO, in Bezug auf Dienste, die Sie in Anspruch nehmen, zur Durchführung eines Vertrags mit Ihnen, Art. Gracias a un buen sistema de calefacción se puede estar realmente bien dentro de la casa y hacer frente sin problema alguno a las bajas temperaturas del exterior. Soporte para más de 11 000 modelos de teléfonos Alcatel, Sony, Acer, Motorola, Huawei, ZTE, Vodafone, Lenovo y otros, basados en las plataformas MTK, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Hi-Silicon y TI sin delimitar una determinada lista de modelos. Public schools, local governments and non-for-profit organizations may request a free access to the premium API. smartclip Europe GmbHÜberseeallee 1020457 HamburgGermanyTelefon: +49 040 286686 100bei datenschutzrechtlichen Angelegenheiten kontaktieren Sie bitte folgende Telefonnummer: +49 5241 40308-22Email: info@smartclip.com, Geschäftsführung:Thomas Servatius, Dr. Oliver Vesper, Kontakt zu unserem Datenschutzbeauftragten, Zu allen Fragen und Anliegen bezüglich Ihrer Daten, wenden Sie sich gerne an privacy@smartclip.tv. Smartclip.net is an ad exchange. Auch bei Fragen, Kommentaren und Beschwerden sowie Auskunftsersuchen im Zusammenhang mit unserer Erklärung zum Datenschutz und der Verarbeitung Ihrer persönlichen Daten können Sie sich schriftlich an unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten wenden. You will be notified by email about new vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. The best way to start is to read the official text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law. digitalpoint.com). You may check security of your Drupal website by using free website security test provided by ImmuniWeb Community Edition. El éxito del suelo laminado se debe a lo económico que es y al bajo mantenimiento del mismo. sxp.smartclip.net détecter si elle est une arnaque, frauduleuse ou est infectés par des malwares, le … Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. ImmuniWeb Community edition provides a free online tool to test your WordPress security and detect all known security and privacy issues within your installation of WordPress. - EFForg/https-everywhere Überprüfen Sie, ob smartclip.net ein Betrug Website oder eine sichere Website ist. GDRP compliance is a multifaceted exercise and involves processes, people and technologies. f) DSGVO (siehe unten). HTTPS Everywhere permet de forcer/contraindre le site Web smartclip.net, utilisant HTTPS sur certaines de ses pages seulement, à le faire sur toutes ses pages (protection de votre vie privée) 16.07.2017 - Révision 17.04.2020 - Révision mineure 05.12.2020. The CDE scope clearly defines the segments of corporate network and cloud storage where credit card data is stored or processed. Special anti-DDoS service providers offer competitive solutions tailored to stop or mitigate the consequences of DDoS attacks. To learn more, please visit our Privacy Policy. Drupal security check starts with verification whether the Drupal CMS and all plugins used in your installation of Drupal are up2date. smartclip.net: Measurement: ... Rechte des Betroffenen. That means they work as a middleman between advertisers who buy ad space and publishers who sell ad space. Each web server provides a detailed documentation and how-to guidelines for the HTTP headers it supports. Sie haben unter bestimmten Umständen das Recht zu verlangen, dass Ihre personenbezogenen Daten gelöscht werden. Visit the site. secret token which you submit alongside with the request. We kunnen ze variërend gebruiken; individueel met een cliënt, in tweetallen of in groepen, met of zonder spelelement. Installation des SmartClip-Sets Erhältlich unter http://mobil-safe.net © Fastmount Ltd. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance involves strict adherence to all of the 12 requirements of the standard for any company that processes at least one credit card on an annual basis. Website security check shall include a thorough verification of its availability, integrity and confidentiality. It seems that Smartclip content is notably popular in Israel, as 30.5% of all users (13K visits per month) come from this country. Smartclip dejará de tratar los datos, salvo por motivos legítimos imperiosos, o el ejercicio o la defensa de posibles reclamaciones. Smartclip Europe ist einer der führenden Vermarkter und Technologieanbieter und für In- und Out-Stream-Videowerbung sowie Addressable TV. A modern WAF can effectively prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and reduces impact of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. ImmuniWeb Community Edition provides a free online test to quickly check your website security, privacy and compliance. Wir behalten uns vor, diese Datenschutzerklärung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft zu ändern. vertreten durch Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer, UK Representative Service for GDPR Ltd.7 Savoy CourtLondon WC2R 0EXUnited KingdomE-Mail: www.eprivacy.eu/en/legal. "false" will use results from cache if the server has been tested within the past 24 hours, "true" will perform a new test without looking at the cache. Ebenso haben Sie das Recht, die Berichtigung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten oder deren Vervollständigung zu verlangen. smartclip.net détecter si elle est une arnaque, frauduleuse ou est infectés par des malwares, le … Then go to vulnerability databases to check whether some of the WP plugins or extensions contain known but unpatched security vulnerabilities, and if so, deactivate these components. IP address of tested server (if tested domain resolves to multiple addresses). Smart-Clip2 – Universal Service Solution for Smartphones and Cell Phones. Prüfung und Speichern der ausgewählten Sprache. The attackers won’t be able to exploit a vulnerability residing in the source code of your website if it is protected by a properly configured WAF, either on premise or in the cloud. SmartClip, per stuk ... Zo kunnen we de smartclips in onze sportruimte gebruiken, maar net zo goed in de tuin! Some of the PCI DSS compliance requirements, for example, wireless network security and encryption, may be inapplicable only if the company does not have a wireless network within its Cardholder Data Environment (CDE). A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections. Sie haben unter bestimmten Umständen das Recht zu verlangen, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten eingeschränkt wird. Smart-Clip2 – herramienta universal para servicio técnico de teléfonos celulares y smartphones . Our database currently contains the following SCA fingerprints and related software vulnerabilities: Website security is composed of website’s data availability, integrity and confidentiality. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you. Cookie Domain: Cookie domain as set by the website (usually includes a leading period. Smartclip.net has been authorized to sell the ad space on 43,192 publisher domains. Domain: restaurant-ranking.com Analytics Profile: UA-3113884-7 AdSense Pub ID: 4180648680805073 AddThis Pub ID: ra-57fb4f93e08b3443 jQuery Version: 3.3.1 HTTP headers may be required to address specific needs of a website owner or a web browser user. Ermitteln Sie, ob smartclip.net ist ein Betrug, betrügerische oder infiziert mit Malware, Phishing, Betrug und Spam, wenn Sie Aktivität haben On top of this security triangle, privacy and compliance with the enacted data protection laws and regulations make a website effectively standing atop of its competitors. It is, however, virtually impossible to prevent a large-scale DDoS attack that is coming from millions, or in some cases even tens of millions, of bots simply putting the network offline with gigabytes of garbage traffic or even shutting down the entire infrastructure of ISP (Internet Service Provider) where the targeted website is located.