Es kann zwischen Vertikal- und Horizontaldampf gewählt werden, so ist auch das Bügeln ohne Bügelbrett möglich für hängende Kleidungsstücke. Compared to Philips Steam&Go GC310 and GC320; without SmartFlow heated plate. ... Im Vergleich zu Philips Steam&Go GC310 und GC320; ohne SmartFlow-Heizplatte. Just steam and go! But that’s easily achieved by keeping a little jug handy, and you don’t need to worry about having to wait for ages for it to warm up as it only takes 45 seconds. Lightweight and compact design makes it easy to use anytime anywhere. - This handheld garment steamer is perfect for delicate fabrics, difficult-to-iron areas and to refresh any clothing or upholstery - no burns guaranteed. Philips Shop Preis -{discount-value} Fusselrasierer . Compact design for convenient use, storage and travel. Lightweight and compact design makes it easy to use anytime anywhere. Vorgeschlagene Produkte . GC026/00 . Neben der Heizplatte aus Edelstahl ist ein horizontales wie vertikales Aufdämpfen möglich. * Im Vergleich zu Philips Steam&Go GC310 und 320; ohne SmartFlow-Heizplatte. Steam&Go Handheld garment steamer Compact solution for easy de-wrinkling This handheld garment steamer is perfect for delicate fabrics, difficult-to-iron areas and to refresh any clothing or upholstery - no burns guaranteed. Tested by external body for bacteria types Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538, Canidia albicans ATCC 10231 with 1 minute steaming time. Compared to Philips Steam&Go GC310 and GC320; without SmartFlow heated plate. Just steam and go! GC026/30 . Philips Shop Preis . * Test izvršen u neovisnoj ustanovi na bakterijama Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538 i Canidia albicans ATCC 10231, pri čemu se koristilo vrijeme primjene pare od 1 minute. U usporedbi s modelima Philips Steam&Go GC310 i GC320; bez zagrijavane ploče SmartFlow. Mit der tragbaren Philips Steam&Go Dampfbürste GC365/80 wird Kleidung schnell und einfach zwischendurch aufgefrischt oder geglättet. Alle Ersatzteile und Zubehör anzeigen -{discount-value} Fusselrasierer . Tested by external body for bacteria types Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538, Canidia albicans ATCC 10231 with 1 minute steaming time. Lightweight and compact designs makes it easy to use anytime anywhere. Zudem integrierte Philips bei der Dampfbürste Steam & Go (GC362/80) noch andere Eigenschaften, deren Details wir nachfolgend näher betrachten möchten. Easier steaming with SmartFlow heated plate – no burns guaranteed. Use the handheld garment steamer vertically or horizontally to easily remove creases from difficult-to-iron clothes. The Philips Steam & Go Plus Handheld Garment Steamer delivers easier steaming, thanks to the SmartFlow heated plate. It's designed to be used vertically or horizontally on difficult-to-iron areas and to refresh clothing. *Von externem Institut auf folgende Bakterien bei 8 Minuten Dampfzeit geprüft: Escherichia coli 8099, Staphylicoccus aureus ATCC 6538, Canidia albicans ATCC 10231. Všechny informace o produktu Žehlička Philips Steam&Go GC362/80, porovnání cen z internetových obchodů, hodnocení a recenze Philips Steam&Go GC362/80. - This handheld garment steamer is perfect for delicate fabrics, difficult-to-iron areas and to refresh any clothing or upholstery - no burns guaranteed. The most frustrating part about using the Philips Steam & Go was the small water tank, you will need to refill three or four times to decrease a shirt for instance. Just steam and go! Die von Philips angebotene Dampfbürste Steam & Go (GC362/80) bietet neben einer Leistung von 1.300 Watt auch noch ein Fassungsvermögen von 70 ml.