Into every life some rain must fall, if you want to go to Grand Central, change trains. But perhaps the best example of a regional rail network that really takes on lines of both types is that of Tokyo. One of the reasons why Yokosuka Line service is not so frequent during the morning peak hour is because all-reserved trains operating through Hinkaku Line segment of the Yokosuka Line, like Shonan Liner, Ohayo-Liner Shinjuku, and Narita Express ( durch eine Stromschiene 9 definiert als Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen, die ausschließlich Verkehrsleistungen auf Netzen des Regionalverkehrs erbringen, auch soweit sie über diese Netze hinaus bis in den Übergangsbahnhof außerhalb des jeweiligen Netzes des Regionalverkehrs verkehre… Terrible. Frankfurt (Main) Süd (German for Frankfurt (Main) South) or Frankfurt Südbahnhof is one of three railway stations for long-distance train services in Frankfurt, Germany.Unlike Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof it is not a terminus but a through station, and has nine tracks with five platforms. Zunächstmal sind beides Produkte im Nahverkehr, wobei die RB eher einem "ja"-Joghurt entspricht und die S-Bahn den "Landliebe"-Part innehat. Aber in Hamburg beispielsweise fahren mittlerweile auch schon die S-Bahnen unter Wechselstrom nach Stade, weil es eben billiger ist, Zweisystemfahrzeuge zu bauen und zu warten, als eine komplett neue Strecke zu bauen bzw. Ya wanna get to Elmhurst change trains in Flushing. - S-Bahn in den meisten Fällen andere Spurweiten (Ausnahmen, die mir spontan einfallen, sind Rostock, Leipzig und Dresden) Da ich sehe, dass das Reizwort hier aus dem Kontext gerissen ist: einigen der Überlegungen ums Reizwort drum rum kann ich trotzdem durchaus zustimmen. Just switch crews at Union like the Japanese do. Niemand fährt nun S-Bahn weil er schon immer mal mit Gleichstrom fahren wollte. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Interestingly, by the cars/TPH shown, there’s still plenty of unused capacity on the subway lines (the Shinjuku, Namboku and Fukutoshin lines have <20tph in peak! That’s the 13th largest city in the country with a population of more than half a million. durchgehend elektrifiziert – nicht geeignet ist, um bis Hennef durchgezogen zu werden. In Bremen hat man das selbe gemacht, dort heißt das allerdings "Regio-S-Bahn" (in meinen Augen ein guter Begriff um die eigentliche S-Bahn nicht zu sehr zu verwässern). I not only allow nitpicks but also am delighted to read them. Alon would probably love to split the Ueno-Tokyo Line and Shonan-Shinjuku/Saikyo Line networks, but I can imagine, for example, a mass exodus to Keikyu if the Yokosuka Line lost its through trains to Tokyo Station, which may not make him popular in JR East Towers…. Aber der Kniff mit der Regio-S-Bahn ist natürlich geschickt, auch wenn ich das Wort nicht schön finde. Line 3: Empire to West Hempstead Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. A regular train ticket does not come with a seat either. JR East’s example also shows that the service and fare integration done right can help establishing the web of passenger rail service connecting multiple regions. Thirty to forty years ago the answer would have been yes for a number of lines, but since then the state has built subway lines in the same rights-of-way, ignorant of the development of the S-Bahn concept across the Pond. I know that RER E’s future service plan will have eastbound trains terminating at Rosa Parks and westbound trains terminating at Nanterre-La Folie, so in that case trains don’t really enter the suburbs on the other side. Learn how your comment data is processed. That being said, (some of) the California authorities are now making the right sounds, planning for double-tracking, separation from freight, through-running, all-day service (even if it is meh at about half-hourly); California is not ossifying the way New York’s railroads have. Die S-Bahn war eine Parallel/Folgeentwicklung zur Straßenbahn, die durch höhere Transportgeschwindigkeit und höhere Transportkapazität geglänzt hat, da sie eigene Infrastruktur bekommen hat. Eine S-Bahn, als Kurzform für Stadtbahn, Schnellbahn oder Stadtschnellbahn, ist eine in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz übliche Bezeichnung für eine meist elektrisch betriebene Eisenbahn, die dem Schienenpersonennahverkehr respektive Regionalverkehr in Agglomerationen und deren Umland dient. On most lines, the answers to both questions is yes: there is an urban rail service need, either because there is no subway service (as in New Jersey) or because there is subway service and it’s overcrowded (as on the 4/5 trains paralleling the Metro-North trunk and on the Queens Boulevard trains paralleling the LIRR trunk); but at the same time, there are key stations located quite far from the dense city, which can be either suburban centers 40 km out or, in the case of New Haven, an independent city more than 100 km out. Ja, Breisgau-Dingsbums und Ortenau-Regioschüttler, alles die gleichen, tollen, extrem leistungsfähigen S-Bahn-"Netze"... Baselaner, Freitag, 22.07.2011, 09:43 (vor 3543 Tagen) @ NIM rocks, Du meinst sicherlich 750 Volt, oder? Hallo, Anyway, your point stands that Rhine-Main is a multicentered metropolitan region with a total population of 5.8 million. Weitere Haltepunkte in Dahlewitz sind in Planung. Andere technische Umsetzunge zur Erreichung des selben Zieles sehe auch ich nur in Frankfurt, München, Stuttgart und Rhein/Rhuhr. “Zurich maintains separate brands for the S-Bahn and longer-distance regional trains, but as in Paris, the distinction is largely about whether trains terminate on the surface or run through either of the tunnels underneath Hauptbahnhof.” In Germany, the situation is similar. 750 KILOVolt wäre ne "ganze Menge". Den einzigen Unterschied den ich gefunden habe, ist die Fahrradmitnahme und sonst? I blogged about the Rhine-Neckar six months ago as one such example; Frankfurt is another, as the city is ringed by old cities including Darmstadt and Mainz. The single metro line is fully segregated, and there is some segregation between S-Bahn and longer-distance services, but this is far from complete. MLIT’s statistics here (in Japanese though): (I estimate 100% crowding to be 2-3pax/m2, while 200% should be 6-7pax/m2). On the Fairmount Line the answer to question 2 is negative as well, as the line terminates within Boston, which helps explain why the state is trying to invest in making it a useful S-Bahn with more stops, just without electrification, high frequency, fare integration, or through-service north of Downtown Boston. Wie der Betrieb dort dann aussehen wird, weiß ich allerdings nicht. Meh. Yes, but I feel uncomfortable about through-service in the other direction, like London-Frankfurt and such. Wichtigster Punkt ist tatsächlich der Takt. Das Konzept des Stadt-Express beruhte darauf, das weitere Umland von Städten und Ballungsgebieten zu erschließen, sodass dort jeder Bahnhof angefahren wurde. geschichtlich bedingt überall eigene Gleiskörper zur Verfügung hat. There is a short, busy stretch from Hardbrücke via HB to Stadelhofen but it is used by only half the lines. The American rail activist term regional rail refers to any mainline rail service short of intercity, which lumps two distinct service patterns. I call for complete through-running in New York, sometimes with the exception of East Side Access, because of the island geography, which makes terminating at the equivalent of Gare du Nord or Gare de Lyon too inconvenient. In many places they do not (e.g. Munich S-Bahn (bahasa Jerman: S-Bahn München) adalah sistem jaringan angkutan cepat kereta listrik yang terdapat di Munich, Jerman. IR is “Fernverkehr” (long distance services), which is run at full responsibility (including financial responsibility) of the operator (essentially SBB). In Richtung Aachen endet sie in Düren, wo dann der Abschnitt Düren <=> Aachen – nebst RE 1 (NRW) - durch die „euregiobahn“ (RB 20/NRW) – mit Umweg – bedient wird (2). The Economy class wagons offer plenty of room for traveller, additional amenities in the First class or special offers, comfort and service in the Business Class.. First class Your pamper compartment. But Marin pulled out years before they ever laid any track. It’s just awful the way Manhattan has had that for over a century. MET - Der beste Zug den es je gab, vincent, Freitag, 22.07.2011, 11:21 (vor 3543 Tagen) @ Jogi, Danke für deine super aüsführliche und verständlich erklärte Anleitung. – Meitetsu did not have any EMU with on-board bathroom even on the “white-band” Panorama Car trainsets for the limited express service (Meitetsu limited express trains don’t stop for 15 to 20 minutes due to very limited number of stops they make). Besides if Hs2 is ever built, the politics will shift to extending it further North to Newcastle and Scotland up the West Coast and then the long range studies calling for a new mainline to South West to relieve the SW and GreatWestern Mainlines. Yeah, so Berlin’s S-Bahn incompatibility with mainline electrification is definitely a distinguishing feature, as is Hamburg’s, and as is the Watford DC Line. I forgot to mention that there’s also a flat junction at where the Shonan Shinjuku and Yokosuka lines split near Osaki station, that causes plenty of headaches and AFAIK there’s no plan for now to grade separate it. Seibu runs Ikebukuro-Toshimaen local shuttle to compensate loss of local service to Seibu Ikebukuro from the local through-running trains from/to Tokyo Metro territory via Seibu Yurakucho Line. Maaaaaaaybe? To keep the arithmetic simple, 18 an hour is 12 an hour at Penn Station Newark and 6 an hour at Newark Broad Street. I don’t think those are counted in the capacity statistics. Would be great to open more north-south routes. Und natürlich spielen die anderen Faktoren wie Entfernung zur Großstadt usw. It might be challenging because of the way Japanese private railways operate as business. The Munich S-Bahn was built simultaneously with the U-Bahn, and there is only one missed connection between them, The Berlin S-Bahn and U-Bahn were built separately as patchworks, but they too have one true missed connection and one possible miss that depends on which side of the station one considers the crossing point to be on. Das ist gar nicht so einfach zu beantworten, denn gerade bei den S-Bahn-Netzen gibt es große Unterschiede. Line 1: New Jersey to Penn to Port Washington/Penn Station Access Arrival and departure options Man kann also sagen, dass sich S-Bahnen und RB etwas angeglichen haben. There are 6-14 stations on the trunks in the examples to keep in mind, often spaced toward the high end for rapid transit so as to provide express service through city center, and all trains make all stops, running every 3-5 minutes all day. Andererseits wird ja der RB 25 (NRW) auch als Regionalbahn behandelt, obwohl er die S-Bahn-Trasse befährt und auf dieser keine Halte auslässt. Meh. With electric trains and level boarding. bearbeitet von NIM rocks, Freitag, 22.07.2011, 00:29, Nicht zu vergessen: Das ist natürlich gut, aber keine S-Bahn. In Japan, too, the first priority for through-running is the most local S-Bahn-like lines – when there were only six tracks between Tokyo and Ueno, the Yamanote and Keihin-Tohoku Lines ran through, as did the Shinkansen, whereas the longer-range regional lines terminated at the two ends until the recent through-line opened. Trying to give everybody beyond the city limits one seat rides to Grand Central, Penn Station and Wall Street is too much capacity. Also eher zielgruppen-tatsachenvorspiegelnd gedacht. Billiger. Building additional tunnels to relieve the worst bottlenecks in the city’s transport network could open the door to connecting every Transilien line to the RER. Yeah but it would have made reappropriating very lightly used tracks in the east bay or on the Peninsula much easier. DB Regio bietet im SPNV drei Produktkategorien für unterschiedliche Zwecke an: die S-Bahn, die Regionalbahn und den Regional-Express. Ich will es mal so versuchen, den Unterschied zu erklären: RB = RegionalBahn = Nahverkehrszug / Regionalzug RE = RegionalExpress = Eilzug Die Deutsche Bundesbahn hat in den 70er und … Thus JR East outer suburban rolling stock typically are fitted with them. Stellenweise fährt sie dort auch als Ersatz für Regionalbahnen, etwa raus nach Freudenstadt oder zwischen Pforzheim und Bietigheim sowie Bad Wildbad. And that pesky pesky that NJTransit is aiming for 40 trains an hour to Penn Station and the LIRR is aiming for 30. Bis heute hat sich Popularität der S-Bahn als Marke so weit gesteigert, dass viele Metropolregionen und solche, die es gerne wären, ein S-Bahnnetz ins Portfolio schreiben. If I am not mistaken, a certain path between Zürich and Chur is IR during the day, but RE in the evening. noch Karlsruhe (eher Stadtbahn) sowie die "Breisgau-S-Bahn" (Diesel). The bus is still going to go to Flushing. I think blurring the boundaries between regional and more RER like trains probably usually is utility-maximizing (which typically is mostly about organization and culture). I think the better solution is to have even headways on the trunks of the Regionalbahn, so you could at least know that there’s a train coming every 10 minutes on that part of the line that you can board for your short hop. ( Log Out / Union Station consists of 2 terminals: one for trains going north, the other for trains going south, so through running would need a lot of new infrastructure. And there will be those pesky pesky Metro North and Amtrak trains too. All of this is suggesting that Tokyo should try building more subway lines to connect the express trains and not just the locals. – slower long distance IR (with a few RE leftovers) I seem to recall that on the “private” railways (like Tobu, Seibu, Tokyu, Odakyu, etc) this resulted in massive congestion at the subway’s actual “terminal” where passengers on the express were changing to already crowded locals since they wanted to go to where the subway went. ich weiß, dass sich diese Frage jetzt vielleicht blöd anhört, aber was genau ist der Unterschied zwischen der Regionalbahn und der S-Bahn. Wobei sich Hamburg mit der Stader Düdelei (im Prinzip gut, für die reine Lehre schlecht) und Berlin mit einer gewissen ...Unzuverlässigkeit auch aus diesem Kreis abmelden. But on the Fitchburg Line the answer to question 2 is positive, as there is quite a lot of demand from suburbs farther northwest and a decent anchor in Fitchburg itself. Nearly every trunk line entering London from the north was built as a long-range intercity line, most commuter rail mainlines in New York are inner segments of lines that go to other cities or used to (even the LIRR was originally built to go to Boston, with a ferry connection), and so on. The RER has more missed connections with the Metro, especially on the RER B, but the RER A’s station choice was designed to maximize connections to the most important lines while maintaining the desired express stop spacing. "Zugnummer", "der Zug fährt ab", "die Züge der Berliner S-Bahn" Die Diskussion S-Bahn vs. RB finde ich sehr gut und möchte hierfür exemplarisch auf folgendes Beispiel anführen: Die „S-Bahn Köln“ – sofern diese nicht eher als reine Marke denn Ableger der S-Bahn Rhein-Ruhr bezeichnet werden müsste – ist für mich das so ziemlich dubioseste S-Bahn-Netz überhaupt. In particular when metro-areas become huge, such as Tokyo, being able to get off at an earlier stop than the classical central station can often save very much time. Even if the individual branches run on a clockface schedule, people do not use the trunk as a scheduled railroad but rather show up and go continuously. The danger would be blowing out the dwell times in Berlin if loads of passengers for intra-city trips decide to board. The difference between an S-Bahn and a subway is merely that the subway is self-contained, whereas the S-Bahn connects to suburban branches. Als normaler Werbereinfaller hab ich nämlich gleich gedacht: "Moment Mal! Sehen Sie eine Übersetzung In Tokyo, before Ueno-Tokyo opened, the most crowded rail segment was on the Yaanote + Keihin-Tohoku Lines from Ueno to the south. The Regionalbahn runs on mainline tracks, shared with intercity trains, so this is the big difference between the two in my mind. There will always be better value mega projects. Meine Erfahrung mit allem was ich über solche Untersuchungen gelesen und gehört habe, ist der Bodenpreis aber so vielen Faktoren unterlegen und durch die geringe Anzahl verkaufter, gleichwertiger Grundstücke so fragil, dass man solche Rückschlüsse verlässlich nicht erzielen kann. Sweden), it is just assumed that regional trains go (only) to the central station, only but this I think is often a missed opportunity. In Paris, the distinction between Transilien and the RER is about whether there is through-running, and thus some lines that are RegionalBahn-like are branded as RER, for example the entire RER C. Moreover, with future extension plans, the RER brand will eventually take over increasingly long-distance regional service, for example going east to Meaux. Im Allgemeinen Eisenbahngesetz werden Regionalbahnen in § 2 Abs. This connection did not exist when the line first opened as Fern Rock was originally only a yard; connections that did exist at North Philadelphia and Logan are gone due to the closure of the passage from the RRD North Broad Station to the BSL North Philadelphia Station and closure of the Logan RRD station. The airport is the terminus though, so in most cases long distance passengers disembark at Wien Hbf and then the train effectively becomes an airport express for travelers from Vienna. For example, their Kanto area service is loosely mashed into Fukushima area service at the northern end of the Kanto and into Tokaido corridor service in Shizuoka region operated by JR Central at the southeastern end of the Kanto, and the Shizuoka region service is interlined with Nagoya region service. If Sunnyside Yards and the Westside Yards didn’t exist it might make more sense but they do. Those lines 8 and 9 have extraordinarily high capital costs. And if they exist on a continuum with integrated fares, having service that goes to exactly one station in a major urban area is probably usually a bad idea. And it could make life hell for long-distance passengers. You want to rearrange this so people get Wall Street, not 10th and 42nd or Hoboken. Or attempt to open standard-gauge DMU extensions down freight corridors because BART technology is too expensive. Wie gesagt, eine S-Bahn zwischen Düren und Hennef erscheint mir logisch, zumal hierfür ein eigener Gleiskörper gebaut worden ist. Im Unterschied zum Fernzug (wie der Name ja schon impliziert) sind bei der Regionalbahn meistens die Strecken kürzer und eher innerhalb desselben Bundeslandes. Or just take the bus there. ( Log Out / S-Bahn Hamburg GmbH (in German), part of Deutsche Bahn group, operating the Hamburg S-Bahn; DB Regio AG (Region Niedersachsen/Bremen), part of Deutsche Bahn group; DB Regionalbahn Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (RBSH) Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser, operating rail and bus services 4tph goes out to Toshimaen but 8tph come in from the Yurakucho Line, so you’ve basically added 4tph outbound from Nerima. Swap one of the southern LIRR branches for the Port Washington line, the southern one gets Wall Street or Penn Station instead, the Port Washington can have every ten minutes to Wall Street, a good thing because all the people in northeastern Queens who are schleping on the Flushing line and clogging Grand Central or Times Square so they can go downtown won’t. But there are exceptions such as the RB75 between Wiesbaden and Darmstadt, or the S6 between Mannheim and Mainz. Chuo Rapid or Sobu… is it just a reverse-branching-ruins-everything artifact limiting capacity? The opposite situation to that of Fairmount is that of the Providence Line. An alle andren natürlich auch ein Danke. Damit hat man ja durch die Flughafen S-Bahn bereits Erfahrung und es scheint auch einigermaßen zu klappen, man hört zumindest nichts Gegenteiliges. It’s not two tracks of U-Bahn and two tracks of S-Bahn that schedules itself around twice an hour intercity. On each of the different lines in Boston, it’s worth asking what the highest and best use for the line is. – via zu elektrifizierender „Eschweiler Schleife“ – und statt des RB 20-Flügels, und zugleich die S8 (= S-Bahn Rhein-Ruhr) ab M´Gladbach – statt RB 33 – bis Aachen Hbf. Entschuldigung, ich wollte mich zurückhalten, aber das Reizwort "klassisch" lässt natürlich die Dämme brechen: Klassisch: München, Frankfurt und Stuttgart sind monozentrische Netze, alles auf die Innenstadt und die eine Stammstrecke ausgerichtet. Combining fare systems and yield management on HSR is in something of a contradiction with each other. Would the line fill a service need for intra-urban travel? *Neustadt-Donaueschingen wird aktuell mit IRE n. Ulm und RE n. Rottweil mit VT 611 und 218+ n-Wagen (ein Umlauf Sa+S) bedient. All so untidy. Először Berlinben alkalmazták az 1920-as évek végén az ottani elővárosi vasúthálózat villamosítása után. Dankeschön. This page was last edited on 2 March 2015, at 08:44.