Qualifying foreign citizens. The European Commission is the EU's politically independent executive arm. YouGov- Electoral Commission - Post-EU Elections 2019_report. Arun District Council, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Sedgemoor District Council, Thanet District Council, Winchester City Council ↩ Back to content; 3. Two years after the entry into application of the GDPR, the Regulation has been an overall success. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Sep 2019, 16:38. The European Commission is committed to protect your personal data and to respect your privacy. It contributes to strengthening democratic institutions, building public confidence in electoral processes, helping to deter fraud, intimidation and violence. By Elena Sánchez Nicolás. Library. EU Commission Declines to Comment on Catalonia Election as Pro-Independece Parties Win Majority MEPs also vote on whether to approve Commissioners who are nominated by governments of member states. 32,399 total staff. Un choix contesté, validé par une très courte majorité de députés européens. Discover most up-to-date EU information and facts Selecting the team. Footage from their meeting on Tuesday showed the first female head of the EU executive, the only woman in the talks, gesturing in … Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. You are here: Home; Press corner; News. Election observation is a vital EU activity aiming to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law worldwide. Newcastle City Council and North Lincolnshire Council ↩ Back to content; 2. On Wednesday (4 September) Italy was the last country to nominate its commissioner, with the Italian former prime minister Paolo Gentiloni Silveri as its candidate. Facebook; Twitter; Share View more … Read more. Cookies. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - Data protection rules as a trust-enabler in … Sep 2019, 16:38. It contributes to strengthening democratic institutions, building public confidence in electoral processes, helping to deter fraud, intimidation and violence. How the president of the European Commission gets elected . The EU Commission asks why many EU citizens were unable to vote in the UK. See all EU institutions and bodies. It also reinforces other key EU foreign policy objectives, in particular peace-building. Page contents. Election observation is a vital EU activity aiming to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law worldwide. 139 offices outside the EU. Marathon talks among EU leaders in Brussels have so far failed to produce agreement on a candidate to replace European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Yes, really. English en. Contrairement à 2014, les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ont souhaité reprendre la main sur la nomination du président de la Commission européenne en 2019. “European Parliament votes by 383 to 327 to confirm Ursula von der Leyen (EPP) for a five year term as European Commission President,” tweeted Europe Elects. Skip to main content. Il s'agit des huitièmes élections européennes depuis le premier vote au suffrage universel direct en 1979. The Election Package includes Commission Communication on securing free and fair European elections, COM (2018), 637; Commission Recommendation on election cooperation networks, online transparency, protection against cybersecurity incidents and fighting disinformation campaigns in the context of elections to the European Parliament, COM (2018) 5949; Commission Guidance on the … comments. Update: This is the new European Commission 4. The delegation will hold meetings with other international observers, representatives of the political parties, media and civil society. Political parties and their candidates are on the front lines of democracy and election integrity. The Parliament plays a crucial role in the election of the next president of the European Commission. Sofia - A delegation of the Venice Commission will accompany the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) election observation delegation to advise on the legal framework of the parliamentary election scheduled on 4 April 2021 in Bulgaria. In June 2020, the European Commission published an evaluation report on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Home - European Commission. Chantal Da Silva. Article share tools . Electoral Commission- YouGov- Post_European_Election_Poll data tables 2019 1. Vous serez alerté(e) par courriel dès que la page « Comité social et économique (CSE) » sera mise à jour significativement. With all 27 EU countries - except the UK - having nominated their candidates, it is now clear what the next European Commission will look like. Search this website Search. EU commission president-elect Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday unveiled her new team and their portfolios for the next college of European commissioners. Top. As commission president, Von der Leyen will represent the EU on the world stage, and her key tasks include building a working relationship with Donald Trump’s White House, and … If you are a qualifying foreign citizen living in Wales, you can vote in Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament elections. Votre abonnement a bien été pris en compte. Ce choix aurait été remis en cause le 4 septembre par la présidente de la commission évoquant plutôt la nomination de Ramona Mănescu, actuelle ministre des Affaires étrangères [13]. Persons with intellectual disabilities were disenfranchised in the 2019 EU elections. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION Élections européennes de 2004 Rapport de la Commission sur la participation des citoyens de l'Union européenne aux élections dans l'État membre de résidence (directive 93/109/CE) et sur les modalités électorales (décision 76/787/CE, modifiée par la décision 2002/772/CE, Euratom) 1. The new President of the EU Commission won an “election” in which she was the only candidate by just 9 votes. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was taken aback to find her fellow top EU official taking the only chair available next to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan when the duo visited Ankara, and her spokesman made that clear on Wednesday. News. If you hold EU citizenship (other than the UK, Republic of Ireland, Malta and Cyprus), you can vote in all elections that take place, apart from elections to the UK Parliament (Westminster). EU Commission in numbers. The procedure for the Election of the President of the Commission ; For the replacement of Jean Claude Juncker next year, the Commission is proposing to use the same procedure that resulted in his election in 2014. That is why members of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity are calling on all democratic parties as well as candidates themselves to commit to take no action to aid and abet those who seek to undermine our democracies. Brussels, 4. I refuse cookies. Read more. EU leaders back Ursula von der Leyen to be commission president; Mr Pons continued: “The future of Europe can no longer be decided behind closed doors. Wednesday 04 November 2020 17:22 . Commission européenne : la nouvelle équipe d’Ursula von der Leyen largement approuvée par le Parlement européen; Mais son entrée en fonction, qui aurait dû avoir lieu un mois plus tôt, a été retardée. He or she needs the support of a majority of members of the European Parliament in order to be elected. 'Democratic' means different things to different people, and we've … The European Commission isn't directly elected by citizens in the EU. 2019 EU Election; Update: This is the new European Commission. Ils ont ainsi proposé le nom d'Ursula von der Leyen, qui n'a pas fait campagne lors des élections européennes. European Union latest news, policies, analysis and opinions. La nouvelle Commission a été adoubée par le Parlement européen le 27 novembre 2019. Election observation roster - Commission Opinion of 23 July 2007 on a notification for prior checking on the EUROPA Election Observation Roster (Case 2007-244) The observation of elections is an important component of the EU's policy in promoting human rights and democratisation throughout the world. The European Parliament expects the new EU Commission to start work with at least a month's delay after MEPs rejected three candidate-commissioners, the institution's spokesman said Wednesday. The European Commission should ensure this does not happen again, writes Jurij Toplak. But the President of the Commission needs to be approved by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are elected by voters from member states. I accept cookies. It also reinforces other key EU foreign policy objectives, in particular peace-building. Le scrutin est proportionnel dans chacun des États. 28 commissioners. “The EU Commission’s commitment to adopt guidelines clarifying how EU Commissioners may participate in national election campaigns is praiseworthy and must be welcomed,” said Alberto Alemanno, director of The Good Lobby, one of the groups who filed a complaint over the video. Des concessions pour les auditions ? News stories. GDPR – the fabric of a success story. ... taking account of the results of the European Parliament elections. EU Commission says ‘everyone’ should wait for official election results after Slovenia's PM claims Trump victory. Many MEPs are critical of how candidates for EU top posts have been chosen, in disregard to the lead candidate process . The UK will not nominate anyone, due to its Brexit departure scheduled for 31 October. Les élections européennes de 2014 ont eu lieu du 22 au 25 mai 2014 afin d'élire les 751 députés européens représentant les 28 États membres de l'Union européenne au sein du Parlement européen pour un mandat de 5 ans.