59For each factor, Table 9 shows the mean estimate, the mean t-value and the percentage of significant t-values, obtained in 1,000 runs. Oct 20, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Lone Hardiker. Dudenredaktion 2011. An important question is therefore whether ambiguity affects the choice between p-pronoun and d-pronoun. Both pronouns seem to require an antecedent that occurred recently and is therefore in an activated state in working memory. As expected, by far the highest value is found in the condition where the use of a d-pronoun is favored most strongly, but even here a mean value of 38.3% means that the p-pronoun is still favored. 92,000,000 sentences. Before the show, she saw a clown walking around. In particular, it could follow from the fact that p-pronouns are subject-oriented whereas d-pronouns are object-oriented. n° 2681, Sandwich bretzel, prêt à l'emploi, Aides à la vente pour pizzas & tartes flambées, Aide à la vente pour pralinés & petits biscuits, Art. Discover (and save!) Target items were separated from each other by at least two filler items. When only looking at examples with a local competitor, a difference between p-pronoun and d-pronoun emerges (χ2 = 10, p < 0.01). 84We now turn to the data for the d-pronoun. That pleases me much. Wild Dogs Productions. found that the antecedent for a p-pronoun was a subject in 86.7% of all cases whereas the antecedent for a d-pronoun was an object in 76.4% of all cases. Maria war am Sonntag im Zirkus. In A. Meinunger (ed. 39This section presents the results of the individual properties that were defined above. In this example, the pronoun’s antecedent is highly accessible in the sense discussed above: it is already given in the discourse, it occurs in sentence-initial position, and it is a subject2. Join Facebook to connect with Angelina We and others you may know. Recency, givenness and syntactic prominence, 3.4. The characteristics of an antecedent being an object in sentence-final position makes it more likely to be taken up again as a d-pronoun. A Unified Account of the Properties of German Demonstrative Pronouns. More important than the absolute success rates is what we learn by taking a closer look at the cases where the accessibility-based criterion fails. 9 In the original questionnaire, the referents that are underlined here were surrounded by a frame. For d-pronouns, in contrast, an object bias was found. 12.03.2018 - Finden Sie hier die passenden Bob Frisuren für ihr Gesichtstyp! Random Effects Structure for Confirmatory Hypothesis Testing: Keep It Maximal. In particular, by far the largest area for the p-pronoun in Figure 2 corresponds to the feature combination “+subject, -final and given”, taking up 43.2% of all cases. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics: 61-68. For the p-pronoun, a local competitor is present in 35.7% of all cases. Voir la notice dans le catalogue OpenEdition, Plan du site – Contacts – Mentions légales et crédits – Flux de syndication, Nous adhérons à OpenEdition Journals – Édité avec Lodel – Accès réservé, Vous allez être redirigé vers OpenEdition Search, Accessibility and Referential Choice: Personal Pronouns and D-pronouns in Written German, Nous présentons une étude de corpus et une expérience de production qui examinent le choix entre deux types de pronoms en allemand écrit, à savoir les pronoms personnels et les « d-pronoms ». Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B. ), Intersentential Pronominal Reference in Child and Adult Language. Table 8. Being new in the discourse minimally reduces this preference. 71The percentages of the two pronominal continuation types in the different conditions are shown in Table 11. Pronomina im Diskurs: deutsche Personal-und Demonstrativpronomina unter “Zentrierungsperspektive”. It is therefore necessary to assume that participants compute a particular information structure for the context sentences by default. Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. The values found in our study are 84.7% subject antecedents for the p-pronoun and 70.2% object antecedents for d-pronoun. Cliquez pour vous inscrire, Art. When comprehending language, the hearer or reader knows which pronoun to interpret. 3 Note that these features constraint the potential antecedent expressions and not the referent as such. [i] Maria hat einen wichtigen Preis gewonnen. Journal of Memory and Language 68 (3): 255-278. Second, by itself, neither givenness, nor syntactic function, nor clausal position can account for all of the interpretative preferences found for d-pronouns. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Before any conclusions can be drawn from this finding, further experiments are necessary in order to see whether this finding, which was obtained in a situation in which participants were not free with regard to the choice of an antecedent phrase, can be confirmed. Oct 20, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Lone Hardiker. Paper presented at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (IRCS) Workshop on Centering Theory in Naturally-Occurring Discourse (University of Pennsylvania, 20-28 May 1993). This position is assumed to be the preferred place for topics in general and personal pronouns in particular (Rambow, 1993; Frey, 2004). Les résultats de l’expérience renforcent la conclusion que plusieurs facteurs déterminent l’accessibilité, qui à son tour détermine le choix du pronom. A note on coherence relations, http://cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de/~pbosch/download/TUE_DPro2013-11-16.pdf, http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/ressourcen/korpora/tiger.html, http://journals.openedition.org/discours/docannexe/image/9188/img-1.jpg, http://journals.openedition.org/discours/docannexe/image/9188/img-2.jpg, http://journals.openedition.org/discours/docannexe/image/9188/img-3.jpg, licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International, Publication ethics and malpractice statement, Catalogue des 557 revues, null pronoun > pronoun > demonstrative > full noun phrase, [C -2] Gerade als sich der Schatten eines Baumes mit großen, breiten Blättern verflüchtigte, tauchte aus diesem. For canonical subject-initial context sentences, the p-pronoun preferentially refers to the topic and the d-pronoun to the focus. Ellert (2013) nevertheless interprets her results in terms of information structure and not in terms of surface properties like syntactic function or linear position within the sentence. Of these, 901,486 or 95.8% contained the p-pronoun and 39,293 or 4.2% the d-pronoun, resulting in a ratio of 23:1 as in the subset analyzed above. Berlin: De Gruyter. [C -4] They silently dispersed. Das Kevelaerer Blatt, genannt „Kävels Bläche“, ist die älteste lokale Zeitung am Niederrhein. Nasti van der Weyden. It comes from a furniture store in Belgium.’. / Schwerer als der Tisch ist der Schrank. 2A large body of cross-linguistic research (for an overview, see Arnold, 2010) has shown that the position of an expression on the referential form scale correlates with discourse properties of its antecedent. Le caramel est recommandé pour les filles avec un teint.. Finally, a result relation holds when the context sentence provides a cause to the event or state of the continuation written by the participants. The other way round, a referent that has not been mentioned recently will not be in an active state and more explicit means will be needed to refer to such a referent. The clearest deviation from the pattern typical of the antecedent of a p-pronoun concerns the antecedent’s syntactic function. s devant ou derrière la caméra, à l'échelle européenne, et présentent les films de tous types auxquels ils ou elles ont participé. In contexts that provide only one grammatically suitable referent for the pronoun, DPro and PPro occur in free variation, and without any semantic difference. This does not exclude that the same factors are at work in spoken as in written language. This new sample was analyzed by means of logistic regression. Before the show, she saw a clown walking around.’, [T] CONTINUATION: _____________________________. your own Pins on Pinterest Our startup-radar list startups even earlier. Since this decision has to be made even if there is no competitor to the actual antecedent, an absolute decision criterion is needed. 70Participants were asked to read the short context passages and to write down a continuation sentence. Languages provide a wide variety of referential expressions for this purpose. On the Syntax and Semantics of (Relative) Pronouns and Determiners. 49These differences notwithstanding, Table 4 shows a large overlap between the p- and d-pronoun. Percentages of given vs. new, subject vs. non-subject, and non-final vs. final antecedent NPs, depending on pronoun type. 57As pointed out above, the sample sizes for the p-pronoun and the d-pronoun do not reflect the ratio that is found in the “DeWaC” corpus. Siegerteam Enie und Bodo! When the accessibility of the referent is above this threshold, the p-pronoun is used, when it is below this threshold, the d-pronoun is used. 63To broaden the picture of pronominal referential choice in sentence production, we conducted a sentence completion experiment investigating the preferred choice of p- and d-pronouns in German. ‘The cupboard is heavier than the table. In such a case, it is hardly possible to replace the d-pronoun das by the corresponding p-pronoun es. The accessibility value thus ranges from 0 to 3. I’m very pleased by that.’Since this case was excluded both in Bosch et al. In this case, the NP under consideration is not only an aboutness topic but a discourse topic too. [C -3] The 32-year-old had checked in, (corpus = “DeWaC-4” text = “307231” id = “, Figure 1. For purposes of illustration, consider the following examples from Ellert (2013). The determiner of a new NP was an indefinite article whereas the determiner of a given NP was a definite article. How Speakers Refer: The Role of Accessibility. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins: 29-88. A minor effect of this prescriptive advice cannot be excluded, as evidenced by the higher rate of non-human referents for the d-pronoun than for the p-pronoun. The similar behavior of p- and d-pronouns with regard to recency can be attributed to the fact that both have the same impoverished lexical content (“masculine singular”). Emphasis might also play a role in other examples with the d-pronoun, but we do not think that the use of the d-pronoun always involves emphasis. Crossing the givenness of the underlined antecedent (given or new) and its clausal position (first or last) resulted in four experimental conditions shown in [12] (for reasons of space, both referents are underlined in [12]). 2016 - Quelle couleur de cheveux vous correspond le mieux, selon votre visage, teint, et selon vos yeux ? We then describe how the corpus examples were extracted and prepared for later analysis. Surprisingly, however, the frequency of examples where the antecedent has the highest possible accessibility value of 3 does not go down even further but increases to a value of about 7.7%. The accessibility of each potential antecedent is determined, and the one with the highest or lowest accessibility value is chosen as antecedent, depending on the particular pronoun. Sep 22, 1927-d. Mar 4, 1936-s/o Wm & Blanche (Fry)-d.c. reads “Hare” Sec B . What is varied is whether the given NP precedes the new NP or whether it is the other way round. ‘A visitor, who had green hair, provoked the security guy. Anne Hoffmann - Herzmensch Fotografie. 92Here, the d-pronoun der is used to refer to Kasimir. 50For proper name antecedents, we see a distribution that is close to the distribution found in the whole corpus (see Table 2). The fact that p-pronoun antecedents were given only 97% of the time is due to restricting the prior context to five sentences. Second, a sentence initial NP is more prominent than a sentence final NP. Both may account for some part of the observed difference. Perfekte Entscheidung , wenn Sie nicht für langes oder kurzes Haar entscheiden können,. 62The corpus data presented in this section confirm that p- and d-pronouns differ in a range of dimensions as expected given the prior literature. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, dropthebrandco.shop has it all. First, a subject is more prominent than an object. This number increases to 46.3% for the d-pronoun. In T. Sanders, J. Schilperoord & W. Spooren (eds. Bouma, G. & Hopp, H. 2007. Unless there is a random choice of pronoun form in contexts lacking competing referents, the speaker needs an absolute decision rule, that is, a decision rule that only considers the properties of the single referent under consideration. In the second sentence, a second entity, which was always masculine, was introduced using an indefinite NP. & Weinstein, S. 1995. Table 1 reveals that in the vast majority of sentences, no sentence intervenes between pronoun and antecedent. All statistical analyses reported here and later were computed using the statistics software R, version 3.2.3 (R Development Core Team, 2015). All examples were checked and erroneous examples were removed from the sample. 45The joint distribution of the three properties included in Table 2 is shown in Figure 2 for both the p-pronoun er and the d-pronoun der. Definiteness and the Processing of Noun Phrases in Natural Discourse. She has gained recognition for her roles in both blockbusters and independent films, as well as her women's rights work. However, in these cases definiteness is strongly correlated with givenness. In contrast to language comprehension, language production requires an absolute notion of accessibility because a choice between p-pronoun and d-pronoun is necessary even when ambiguity is not at issue. 22.11.2019 - 20 wunderschön Frisuren die Sie attraktiv machen für Frauen 2019 2020 | Trend Bob Frisuren 2019 20 wunderschön Frisuren die Sie attraktiv machen für Frauen 2019 2020 | Trend Bob Frisuren 2019 #haare #haarschnitt #haarfarben #frisuren The post 20 wunderschön Frisuren die Sie attraktiv machen für Frauen 2019 2020 | Trend Bob Frisuren 2019 appeared first on Silvana Blog. This holds for d-pronouns slightly stronger than for p-pronouns. The main corpus thus contains 417 instances of the p-pronoun and 430 instances of the d-pronoun. Because a logistic regression cannot be computed when one or more cells contain a value of 0% or 100%, we set the mean value in the cell “given antecedent in first position” to 2% by random resampling. A closer inspection revealed a high proportion of examples were the antecedent was either a p-pronoun (n = 12 or 31.6%) or a d-pronoun (n = 7 or 18.4%). Since gender is a grammatical category in German, masculine NPs, including pronouns, can refer to male persons but also to things. In each of the prior examples [2] and [3], the antecedent is the co-referential NP in the immediately preceding sentence. [C -1] Als Festredner hat Bahnchef Hartmut Mehdorn, ‘[C -3] The Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railway Company) is inviting to celebrate. In our corpus study, we coded whether the antecedent was given or not, but we did not code whether it is a (sentence) topic or not. The corpus data show that such an absolute notion of accessibility can be defined in terms of givenness and syntactic prominence, which comprises both syntactic function and clausal position. First of all, a speaker has to make a choice concerning the linguistic form of a referential expression whether there is an ambiguity or not. During language production, coherence relations are also crucially involved with regard to the decision about which referent of a given sentence to take up in the next sentence. La recherche déjà existante concernant ces pronoms s’est concentrée sur la compréhension du langage. Sep 13, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Alice Janssen. 53Given the almost inviolable morpho-syntactic constraint that pronoun and antecedent must match with regard to gender and number, an ambiguity arises in our corpus sample when there is at least one additional NP specified for the features “masculine singular”. The organization of this paper is as follows. Under the assumption that the referent of the given NP den Clown (“the clown”) in the final context sentence in [6] is the sentence topic, this constitutes an exception to the hypothesis that a d-pronoun preferentially refers to a non-topic. We finally present various analyses of the extracted examples. 1Much of language production is concerned with referring back to entities that were introduced at some earlier point in the ongoing discourse. In context sentence [C -1], where it is mentioned again, the initial phrase can be considered a stage-setting topic. Dialogue and Discourse 4 (2): 118-141. The general bias toward human referents thus suggests that the prescriptive advice against the use of d-pronouns for human referents does not have a strong effect if it has an effect at all. Katja Scherle. We suspect that this is an effect of the prescriptive rule to avoid d-pronouns for human referents. This shows that the d-pronoun is not primarily used for purposes of ambiguity avoidance. Cook, P. & Bildhauer, F. 2013. In 1984 he became deputy head of the central department. Table 9. This search string corresponds to sentences in which the subject pronoun er is located within the first position after the finite verb in a verb-second sentence. Classifying all web sources of our corpus sample as to formal style is beyond the scope of this paper. In the linguistic literature (Abraham, 2002; Wiemer, 1996; Zifonun et al., 1997), several of the properties discussed above – givenness, syntactic function and linear position – have been considered as candidates for differentiating between p- and d-pronouns. She is an actress, known for The Last Witch Hunter (2015), The Red Baron (2008) and Before the Fall (2004). Les données de corpus montrent que le choix entre « p-pronom » et « d-pronom » dépend de plusieurs facteurs. Percentages (n) of definiteness categories of antecedents depending on pronoun type. The status of possessive pronouns, 4. 93In a similar way, we assume that in our experimental texts (see [12]) the given NP of the final context sentence was the sentence topic. The strong dominance of the p-pronoun thus causes the models to overgeneralize the use of the p-pronoun, making it rather difficult to correctly predict the use of a d-pronoun. The antecedent of a d-pronoun, in contrast, is typically a new NP that occurs as non-subject in clause-final position. Taking item-specific preferences into account when making this choice is thus not as straightforward as it is for language comprehension, because the preferences of several possible referential expressions have to be considered simultaneously. Given referents are more accessible than new referents. Discover (and save!) Since given NPs always occurred sentence-initially and new NPs sentence-finally in their experiment, it is not possible to decide whether the preference observed for the d-pronoun is an effect of givenness or an effect of position. For example, 87% of the definite NP antecedents of the p-pronoun are subjects, whereas 80% of the definite NP antecedents of the d-pronoun are non-subjects. EDNA International – votre partenaire compétent pour des produits boulangers surgelés de haute qualité. Most of the continuations serve as a result for the event of the preceding context sentence. 85A p-pronoun as antecedent of a d-pronoun is found in the example in [18]. Das sagt Alice Hoffmann übrigens völlig akzentfrei, während ihre dunkelroten Haare einen hübschen Kontrast zu ihrem blauen Batikgewand ergeben. 30In an additional search, we looked for strings of the form “finite Verb + er”. AccueilNuméros18Accessibility and Referential Cho... We present a corpus study and a production experiment that investigated the choice between two types of pronouns in written German – personal pronouns and so-called d-pronouns, which have properties of both personal and demonstrative pronouns. Dec 19, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Alice Song. Based on their specific characteristics, they are divided into three categories - Premium, Comfort and Standard - in order to best meet the needs of the customers. When the pronoun’s antecedent was contained in the immediately preceding clause, Bosch et al. The remaining cases are about evenly distributed across the other three coherence relations. Bosch et al. May 21, 2019 - dropthebrandco.shop is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. 68The critical third context sentence differed depending on the experimental condition. p-pronoun: personal pronouns including possessive pronouns; d-pronoun: demonstrative pronouns used without a following noun; proper name: personal names, place names and names of companies; definite NP: nouns preceded by a definite article, a demonstrative article, a possessive determiner or a strong quantifier; indefinite NP: bare nouns, generic nouns and nouns preceded by a weak quantifier or an indefinite article; (corpus = “DeWaC-6” text = “496753” id = “, Syntactic function: -subject, Antecedent of possessive pronoun. [C -3] Maria war am Sonntag im Zirkus. Percentages (n) of the coherence relation established with the continuation depending on chosen pronoun type when the object of the last context sentence was the antecedent of the pronoun. 9A prototypical example for the use of d-pronouns is given in [3]. When producing language, in contrast, the speaker or writer must choose a pronoun based on the given state of the referent in the current discourse. 89This paper has presented a corpus study and a production experiment investigating the choice between p-pronoun and d-pronoun in German. 7This paper presents a corpus study and an experiment that have investigated the factors that determine the choice between personal pronoun (p-pronoun for short) and d-pronoun during written language production. 37Here, one may again wonder whether the antecedent of er is the proper name Döring or the intervening possessive pronoun seine. We removed these 54 corpus texts from our sample and present a separate analysis for them after we have presented the analysis of the main corpus. This difference reflects the fact that the decision criterion does not take into account that p-pronouns are much more frequent than d-pronouns in our corpus sample, something which is taken care of by the logistic regression analysis. Plusieurs modèles inspirants et conseils utiles ici. [C -2] The company will be 10 years old and the ball room of the Ritz-Carlton is just sufficient for congratulations. Thus, the three major properties defining accessibility discussed so far do not provide a categorical distinction between p-pronoun and d-pronoun, neither alone nor in combination. Table 6. Number of mentions of the pronoun’s referent in the preceding context for er (p-pronoun) and der (d-pronoun). Das sagt Alice Hoffmann übrigens völlig akzentfrei, während ihre dunkelroten Haare einen hübschen Kontrast zu ihrem blauen Batikgewand ergeben. 91The question thus is whether the antecedent in these cases was not only given but also a topic. Table 10 shows that the antecedent of the possessive pronoun has all three properties in the majority of cases whereas for the possessive pronoun itself this is only true for the property of givenness. ‘Maria won an important price. For each contrast, Table 12 shows the estimate, the standard error, the resulting z-value and the corresponding p-value. In [14], the continuation brings us to notice that the cook performed the action of pushing because he was in a bad mood. Crystal Rose. 6 janv. Since 1999 he was head of the department of “rural area, business administration and support”. Avec notre vaste gamme de plus de 1000 produits boulangers, articles issus de l’épicerie fine et autres produits non alimentaires, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour votre établissement dans le secteur HoReCa et Bake-off. Gundel, J.K., Hedberg, N. & Zacharski, R. 1993. We analyzed the continuations that participants wrote in our experiment according to the four coherence relations shown in [13]-[16]: elaboration, explanation, narration, result. Table 15. Alice Hoffmann ist gar keine Saarländerin Die Schauspielerin, die am 16. Les données de corpus montrent que le choix entre « p-pronom » et « d-pronom » dépend de plusieurs facteurs. As noted in the preceding section, when we use accessibility in the most straightforward way for predicting the choice between the p- and the d-pronoun, we strongly overpredict the use of d-pronouns with regard to our sample of written texts. Discover (and save!) While we analyzed samples of about equal sizes, in the “DeWaC” corpus the p-pronoun er occurs about 23 times more often than the d-pronoun der at the beginning of a main clause. La recherche déjà existante concernant ces pronoms s’est concentrée sur la compréhension du langage. There are two cases where identifying the antecedent is not straightforward. 51In sum, the antecedent’s definiteness has some predictive value with regard to the choice between p- and d-pronoun when the antecedent is a pronoun or, to a lesser extent, when it is an indefinite NP. Paderborn University’s learning centres provide students with learning support, in particular in subject-related issues. Even if this assumption were correct, the interpretation of the observed preferences in terms of information structure is by no means obligatory. For both pronouns, definite NPs and proper names together account for the majority of all antecedents (58.5% for the p-pronoun and 66.4% for the d-pronoun). The minister employed, (corpus = “DeWaC-5” text = “438281” id = “, [C -5] Zusammen sind wir drei nach Athen weitergeflogen.