In the end, your personal subjective viewpoints are eviscerated by global objective science. I have smoked a good amount 26 days ago and a small amount 10 days ago. so it’s more than likely I’ll fail my test :( ? What is my best bet besides quitting cold turkey? If none of this apply, then a decent way would be urine substitution, either with synthetic (might get costly though since it’s every week) or a friends urine. Used one of the Qtab packs and tracked my progress taking the first dose at 1pm. Thanks for sharing. Thats what I do. What I think is the reason that people fail doing this is that they don’t pee enough for the B-12 to kick in. I had considered trying to bring clean urine with me but didn’t. Mega Clean Detox Review: Does Mega Clean Work? Thanks for sharing. It is 100% because the urine is diluted. This is to make sure I can answer them in a timely manner. Would the two methods interfere with one another, perhaps by leading to the drink’s vitamins and nutrients being excreted with the bile out of the colon? I mean just like 2 hits of mid grade at night to go to sleep. Certo could make your urine darker sometimes yeah, depends a bit on how many times you pee before the test as well. It works for some while it doesn’t for others. Creatine Monohydrate. Hey Tanner. If someone failed with it, he might do the same, going online and letting everyone know it’s just a myth, just like you did here. I took another person’s urine in a condom kept it close to my thigh and all, but when I came out the room the dude looked at the temperature thing on the bottle and stuck a thermometer in my mouth after, cause the urine was not warm enough I guess…. In this article, we will be focusing on how to use Certo in order to pass a urinary drug test with the Certo for THC detox method being designed to remove drug toxins from the body on a temporary basis. Passed with no issues. Not only did I have to take off my jacket and empty out all of my pockets (leaving all contents in the room) but I had to wash my hands with soap and water before being led to the bathroom. then drink more. One should be fine, two won’t hurt if you can handle it. Something like Gatorade is popular, but anything that contains a high glucose content will work. I passed my last one, and am a pretty frequent smoker. I have increased my water (sadly not to the 72 oz recommendation) and fiber intake. Simply taking a creatine supplement for a few days, including the day of your test, will help prevent anyone from becoming suspicious. I have not smoked for 3weeks and 2days and weigh 110lbs. I had two twin buddies, they smoked every day and more than one joint each and every day. After scouring the internet decided to combine two last minute dilution techniques—QCarbo32 same day detox drink ($49 from GNC, $27 amazon) and the Sure Gell/Gatorade approach. Went across the street and found it at another store and got vitamin B- compex 100 pills too. I’m very active with just below 20% body fat I’d say. A good detox drink to replace some of the liquid in the certo method can be a good idea thouigh since such drinks often contain ingredients tested for in a dilution check in order to make it seem less diluted. The carbohydrates can help in metabolizing fats for energy. The Certo drug test method is one of the more talked about ways of passing a drug test using non-specialist products. Okay so my boyfriend will have a drug test today , but I don’t know when it will be. Do you know if cetro work to make xanax (alprazolam) undectable? My question/s: 1) about 4wks ago i used a dry THC vape for about a week and didn’t like it went back to smoking, can this be reason I’m failing (i.e., does it take longer to get thc out when vaping it? It’s basically just brand names for fruit pectin, which means that a generic supermarket fruit pectin concentrate will also work for this method. I am 6′, 240lbs. Not really. I will say this though, that it’s always advisable to get a pack of home testing strips to monitor your toxin status, they go for less than 1$ per test. and took a regular ole Vitamin B complex pill. I get tested at my psychiatrist appts to ensure my dr that I am indeed taking my Xanax (not like selling them or whatever). Also, since my “drug of choice” is opiates and they are water soluble, the fact that I have LOTS of massive hot(sweat) flashes sure doesn’t hurt!! Your test will be done already by now but still, imo the Certo method is never the best method, but sure in your case since you haven’t been smoking much it probably would work well unless they test for dilution. As a bonus, fiber in itself increases your bowel movements, which is a good way to make sure as much THC as possible leaves the body before it gets a chance to be reabsorbed (this only matters if you flush yourself more than just on the same day of your test). Pee was just the tiniest amount yellow, but didn’t raise any suspicions. Ahahaha oh man that’s a good one. Again though, keep in mind that it worked for you does not mean it will work for anyone, or that it will always work for you, hence it can be misleading saying it like that, and many people fail their tests taking advice online from someone who passed a test a certain way. I’m so excited right now, almost forgot to burn one to celebrate. Makes a big difference in THC buildup. Scan now to find out if your iPhone has been hacked. I’m 23 years old, 5ft 7in and 140lbs. However I may be getting a “pop” test at anytime and will not have time to do the method before I’m tested. Then urinate a couple of times, and you will have flushed out the toxins, and maintained the balance of your urine for up to 5 hours, plenty of time to go and submit your sample. Imo you’d definitely be better off with synthetic urine in a scenario like this. Furthermore, it is only sufficient for fat-soluble drug metabolites and their by-products such as THC, a … The reason I found this site is I had another friend call me a couple hrs ago saying he had a UA coming for a new job in a couple days. his PO does NOT take diluted piss) We are going to conduct an experiment. Thank you for the updated information as well as the b-12 or Vitamins b, Everytime I have tried this it has worked I have a test in three hours I already downed the Gatorade starting in water I’ll let you know how it goes this time. Thanks for sharing Jahman, interesting read. As expected, I failed the test. I have a few issues with this method.. The taste is extremely sour. First update tomorrow, I will do the certo before going to see my po…likely won’t be tested but what better time to try right? Hey Justachick, no it’s not only water, it’s liquid in general. So just wanted to add this info I've been using for over a decade… Theres more I could get in to just about drug tests in general for different drugs but thats a different topic but anyway… That's the meat and potatoes of it. From what I could find briefly reading about it, it does test for dilution, so one would probably do best not over-doing that part too hard. Thanks for sharing. definitely put some effort into natural detoxing though and get an at home test kit to use a bit in advance to make sure you’re clean enough. This was just to see when my pee comes up diluted, basically when the test shows invalid. Sure a laxative might be a little helpful, but it’s just one part of regular detox. 9:35 had 2 good red little lines… Im cash strapped so I did it the Po-boy way. Just a minute later pissed in cup. I still want to keep smoking but I need to pass these drug tests. Last day I smoked was a single hit 2 days ago. I share this because I think losing a job due to smoking marijuana in a state where it is legal to use it medicinally is ridiculous and hypocritical. I hadn’t for years and years. Now that I think of it, the only time I did not pass was like 4 years ago for a job. 4:35- Left the house, peed 6 times within 3:00pm by now it was clear. If it’s really urgent, go with a good brand of fake urine instead, read the guide about it this website first of all though if you decide to substitute urine. Test done by now but since it sounds like you’re a heavy user, I’d personally very much prefer synthetic urine to pass. I’m not sure if it was because of the certo, but the next 3 self tests including that one had the dark control line, but the test line was dark too! You can do this only to protect your privacy in unofficial tests, for example to get a job that does not require high safety measures in a private company. Goes into details including : “Milk thistle extract is a safe focal point of any cleansing program. In essence, the Certo for drug test method is a long advocated home remedy, alleged to be especially suited to removing THC, that’s been around on the Internet for years. And when over-dilution is tested for, this method will usually fail as in test being invalid and a re-test required. This detox method has actually been around for ages, but as with any method it only started getting a lot of traction once there was enough different people who have claimed success with it (here it’s mentioned in the forums at from 2004). Certo is mainly a dilution method, so by making a bigger part of your urine just water, the concentration of toxins will get lower. Never hurts using some home tests in advance. Not using the certo would mean only drinking lots of water as a detox, which isn’t that effective on it’s own I’d say, due to THC being fat-soluble rather than water-soluble. Sure a slightly higher chance, but still the same innate risk of an overdiluted result as the certo method always comes with. I mean I pushed like I was giving birth and I will NEVER do this method again! I have court tomorrow. I needed this job. I smoked a few hits everyday for a couple weeks. I took 6 hits off a bowl which two of the hits were resin and the other 4 was marijuana and I have a drug test next Thursday I drink a lot of water anyway but I bought a box of certo if I drink a gallon of water a day do you think I will be clean without using the certo? Ain’t nobody got time for that! I think? It was one of those Etests, which keeps a fail on your record, so I really didn’t want to fail. (3 -pills 3 days before, 2 days before, and the day The Certo drug test method is a urine (and blood) drug test detox method where fruit pectin is used as the “primary ingredient” to pass your drug test. Do u think i havea good chance with certo and the detox? When i was sleeping i used extra blankets to make myself sweat profusely. Why? Hi Sophie great site Everything you said about what works for some and not for others is totally true Everybody’s body is different I first heard about the serto method form a truck driver Back in 2002 I tried it for a Piss test for a P.O. Both were couch taters, low energy. But I wasn’t worried if it didn’t show up because it’s taken as needed). I took a couple hits last saturday and a few on sunday but I haven’t smoked in months prior. Depends a lot on how much you’ve been smoking before the test as well, as in a puff a day or less often than that, or perhaps several joints daily. For me, the best way to pass a drug test is to submit a completely fake sample using synthetic urine. I would only change how much water I drank after (a total of 80 fl oz) because I had to pee three times at the testing facility and I felt it may have made me look suspicious. Drunk that (disgusting) and now I’m gonna takr certo tonight Nd tomorrow as well before i pee. I’m hesitant to give advise about parole tests because of the legal aspects (don’t want to get in any trouble). And I have a drug test coming up on the third of February I quit smoking the morning of the 21st, I workout at least 3 times a week, I have a decently fast metabolism, I’m 6’1 185 Lbs and im trying the certo method before my test to try to rid it in my stool, I have a relion drug test I’m going to take Monday, to see but Im going to try to do the certo method 3 times before then, and then see what it says I’m drinking a ton of water a day, is there anything else to help? It really does. Gonna lose my job and house probably. It costs around $40 and uses heatpads. Plus, it’s only suitable for an unsupervised drug test. Continue to sip until test so you can urinate readily and keep toxins bound. (Lortab 5) I have a test tomorrow for my job. Thanks! After 10 days I started taking daily tests with a THC strip. She said I looked tired and I told her I intern until later at night…blablabla…she asked if I was looking for a job. I was a regular meth user, the pot & coke were a very occasional thing. Preparations is the key, and I would always recommend you have synthetic urine and detox drinks in your home so that if you are going to be called up for a drug test at short notice, you will have something more certain than Certo. Although, to be fair, ive been told my urine was diluted even when I didnt purposefully cleanse myself for anything, just due to the fact that i stay hydrated 24/7. I tested myself soon as I received it, around 3pm Friday. I smoke about 2-4 times a day but cut down recently to about twice a day I really need to pass and will spend and do what ever I need to too pass this test!! You can order both from Testnegative. Make sure to get temp right though. Remember me from Washington blvd.? As always, I decided to self test the method and post my certo drug test review. The more interesting reason however that makes Certo for drug test passing a viable option, as mentioned above, has to do with fiber interactions. I’ve continued to flush my body will the chances of passing be higher ? How much water or juice do you prefer? LOL I forgot to mention that the bleach method I would only do for a test where they don’t send the sample to a lab. Any of all answers to question is appreciated. The Certo is already diluting you urine by a lot and risks your sample being detected as over-diluted. After reading this guide you know how to pass a saliva drug test, but remember that using the hacks above in lawfully administered or court-ordered drug tests is a felony. 4. Good luck. I got drug test in a hr or so got a half gallon down don’t think I’ll get rest of it drank my stomach is killing me and using bathroom left and right is this ok and I’m fixing to take b12 vitamin to give urine color it’s clear do u think I’m safe. And keep drinking water and peeing. Saying that Certo definitely works because it did it this once for you may cause someone else who’s unlucky to fail doing just this. I checked up on this site and many others on a way to “cleanse” my system. Xstream Synthetic Urine Review: Read Before Buying It, THC Detox Drinks: The Fastest Way To Pass A Drug Test. I have a couple days off, so I just started the Certo test at home. Although there is a basis in fact for it drawing out more metabolites if you are a weed smoker, it doesn’t address the whole situation in a balanced way, and virtually ignores the fact you will still have metabolites in your urine, and you are using a very poor detox drink substitute to deal with that fact. Lemon juice. He’s a bigger guy over 200 lbs, last time he had to test he stopped for 9 days before the test and passed on the 10th just on milk thistle and taurine drinking lots of fluids. The best way would depend on how heavy a smoker you are/were, how much time you have etc. The 2nd test came back blank, my guess is this is inconclusive. 810, 16oz lime gator + 1 pack certo I was not told what day they will be taking me but im going to assume its gona be someday this week. Just Dont Smoke, nothing works to pass tests anymore. But as mentioned above, the path most of it takes is through your stools. Eat! To conclude, what makes fruit pectin effective before a drug test is that it temporarily “forces” THC to leave your body through your poop instead of your urine. 2. I need to take a urine test, yesterday, and have been delaying my new employer due to home THC tests coming up positive . It gained popularity after some people claim that the Certo mixture can easily get you out of trouble especially if you have to pass a marijuana drug test … At Certo, mobile security is not an afterthought, it’s what we do. I took the last 3 pills at 2 pm. So before I go into the details around whether the Certo drug test method works at all, let’s talk you through the Certo for drug test instructions in detail, so you can see exactly how it works. Many use synthetic urine as well and prefer it since you get everything you need to get it to the right temp, transport it etc. Wish me luck. (not sure if Swab or UA) I accidentally smoked a blunt on friday (reaction to someone trying to pass it to you) and took maybe 3 hits on saturday to rid myself of a migraine. Do you think it will come back diluted, or is there any hope for me passing? I failed consistently for the next 7 days. Woke up 9:27, had to pee and did. Many times it was just a pinch. After drinking two 32 oz cups of water, urinating 2 times , used another test the 3rd time I had to go which came back negative! Like if i have a test next week, could i pass it without taking the sure jell the same day of the test since i had already taken it days before? I know you cannot give a definitive answer, but what do you think my chances of passing would be? You should have hopped in one of those trucks and headed for Vegas, (or @tlantic City, depending which is closer), to take your chances again.. you were on a roll that day… you could’a had ya a jackpot day!!!!! Not thinking I’d get a job basically on the spot. If negative on the home test kit, a good brand of synthetic urine would be my next preferred option. You’re right in that thc can stay in the system for months. I passed for the meth & pot, but failed for the coke. Hello, Ok I have a drug test tomrw and I been clean for 11 days so far . So you have to stop 24 hours before your test. Court was scheduled for 10am this morning. (Test cose $10 for a box of 15 on amazon). It kinda gave me the runs, but I had to man up. LMAO! I got concerned because it had gotten sent to the lab. I drank another 10 more oz of That’s where working around it by passing a test enters the picture. Who decides what’s a drug and what isn’t? O and my drug test is some time next week. I stopped choochin 10 days before my lab test. I ordered some toxin rid but forgot the one day shipping so it wasn’t gonna come in time. If I took the cetro at 4:30 am and my drug test is at 8:15am do u think I would still pass it?? Luckily I had a few more opportunities.. Drain-cleaning products. Or only part time? It will help by making the marijuana harder to detect yes, but not a guarantee it will be enough to test negative, and again see above, dilution can often be detected and cause the test to be invalid. The 2nd time I used the Certo was for life insurance about 2 yrs ago. I also plan using the certo method twice the night before and 3hrs before my drug test. So, please, lets find more proofs.