She cries. It may seem like a lot, but her tiny stomach can take in only about two or three ounces of milk at once. As soon as I wrote the title on this post my newborn started crying and the 2-year-old “comforted” him with a smothering hug and a sloppy kiss, so I sprang from my seat to save my smallest son (Benjamin). It’s difficult for babies to fall asleep themselves, so you’ll need to use gentle rhythmic rocking, patting or stroking, or softly sing to your baby before they fall asleep. 9:15am – Chores: People say to sleep when your baby sleeps, but that only works if you’ve got someone else to do the laundry, the household cleaning, the meal prep and baby bottle washing. And with newborns feeding more than 8 t0 12 times a day, that’s a lot of bottle washing! 8:30am – Send Baby to Sleep:  You’ll need to get your baby to sleep again. four hours and 44 minutes’ sleep per night. 1pm – Wait, it’s lunch time? || EXPAND TO SEE MORE || Hey Fam! She looks like a cute burrito. Typically, I have three to four couplets each night, all needing vital signs, assessments, medications, 24-hour newborn screenings and much more. After a bit the mother decides she needs to change and freshen up baby; deciding to just give a sponge today rather than a full bath. Did I mention I have a blocked milk duct? Be mindful that a lack of sleep can take an emotional toll on both you and your partner – and your relationship. You simply load it up with bottles, nipples / teats and pacifiers / dummies throughout the day and then just run the cycle when it’s full. Quickly eat two of them. She says yes, but I Google it anyways. ... She spends some of the best, most precious moments of the day chatting with baby, some gurgling, some drooling and lots of cuddling. There is no doubt: newborn babies are adorable, sweet, lovely little creatures that beg us to hold them, snuggle them and give them all our love. 1:30 p.m. And she’s up. Mine will be cold once I get to it since I’m still feeding Noa who has already had two dirty diapers. A Never-Ending Cycle. You’ll then just need to gently heat the bottle in a bowl of warm water before each feed. I change baby and it’s a mess because she decides to pee midway through the diaper swap … which also wets her sleeper and now has to be changed. Parents tend to go through a few shirts too, so be prepared for a lot more laundry. I reply asking him to grab sushi on the way home. Oh well. Luckily, I have a stash of homemade protein energy balls in the fridge. Out by 7:45. 5:30 p.m. Daddy comes home asking, "Where is Harper and Noa?" Newborn baby schedules vary and it can be very difficult – sometimes impossible! It is a struggle to blog and take care of a baby. So, sleep deprivation is the norm for new parents – even when you and your partner are sharing all duties. With newborns feeding 8 – 12 times a day and waking every 2 hours on average, it’s no wonder that new parents feel completely exhausted. A day in the life of an antenatal and newborn screening failsafe officer Posted by: Leanne Grant , Posted on: 11 October 2019 - Categories: NHS Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Leanne doing her day-to-day duties as an ANNB failsafe officer And the chances are, you’ll only have half an hour to yourself before Baby wakes again. And so I step back out to soothe her, try again, and we do this until I give up, remembering that no one is going to see me today anyway. Mom of two life is fun, tiring, but fun! Business Opportunities, Join our mailing list to receive further updates. Oh and to my surprise, another dirty diaper. Definitely am not making it for pick up. Uber eats will take too long. You’d be surprised at how quickly you forget these things only an hour after the fact. Noa is still sleeping. 1:00 p.m. lost 30 minutes of my life looking at pretty pictures on the gram, but I’ve had my coffee and feel somewhat alive. Text my best friend who has three kids asking if its normal that Noa has so many poopy diapers. Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed, your baby will need about 6 to 8 feeds in a 24-hour period, for a total of around 2 to 5 hours a day. This is totally normal for new parents, so don’t be alarmed! I eat sushi. Then Noa makes a whimper sound and cries out. But my daughter is now 9 months old, and so much about our day-to-day lives has altered over the last five months. You’ll then need to wind your baby which usually takes another 20 minutes or so. Scarf down my cold oatmeal (gah!) Don’t get me wrong, maternity leave is amazing and I would much rather be here than at the office, but let me give you a little glimpse of what a typical day has looked like for me since Noa has been born. Painful. 2:45pm – 7am: The above cycle repeats itself – again and again. Where did the day go? A Day in the Life of a Newborn. Time to feed. He feeds for about 30 minutes and by the time I get him up, turn on the light on my phone, change his diaper, go to the bathroom and get … Okay, so it’s normal. Just another day in the life of a newborn... Baby Logan’s Blog. We'll repost all the links at the end. More emails. Replying back with one hand takes skills by the way. I hold her and then try to swaddle her, but gosh I was never a pro at swaddling. 10:00 a.m. Noa falls asleep and I anxiously go to warm up my coffee. 4:45 p.m. Dog needs to be walked, but since it’s almost 5 and Daddy will be home soon, the dog can wait. The answer is still no. Side note, if another person messages me asking if I’m sleeping when she’s sleeping I might snap. If you've been wanting to record a day in the life, now is the time! 1:00 p.m. lost 30 minutes of my life looking at pretty pictures on the gram, but I’ve had my coffee and feel somewhat alive.Then Noa makes a whimper sound and cries out. I could use a shower. Google “how to swaddle”. Wow, I just realize I have a lot of emails and have probably over committed myself to projects. He looks at sleeping Noa and says, “Awww, she looks so sweet and peaceful”. Your baby is finally here! Also, instead of trying to wash bottles by hand when you’re exhausted, or running a half-empty dishwasher every night, a 3-in-1 baby bottle cleaner, sterilizer and dryer can do the hard work for you. Altelle have developed  Bottle Bath with the aim of delivering the best bottle sterilizer available. "Newborn babies cry; they don't always have to be settled and quiet. I send a pic of baby wide-eyed and ready for action. I’ve been meaning to do this post for two weeks now and never could remember to start it. There are plenty of tools and tips available online to help you cope with sleep deprivation and manage the impact of a new baby. Generally, babies will need changing each time they wake up – before each feed. It thoroughly cleans bottles, leaving them perfectly sterilized and completely dry their next use, at the press of a button. Toddler might throw tantrums, seek for attention and eat, poop, cry, sleep. Alena’s newborn screen was processed extremely quickly because another family near their hometown had a … Repeat the earlier cycle again. Typical day for me… Up by 6:30. good luck… and god bless… Lynn A — February 5, 2021 @ 11:00 pm Reply SO happy that your pregnancy is going so well! Never. Designed by parents, for parents, Bottle Bath™ is designed to save time. They just promised it would be worth it. Although looking after your newborn is an endless task, it’s important, for both your physical and mental health, to rest, re-energize and just take some time out, where possible. I’m still so hungry. Editing is the most time consuming part of newborn photography as it requires careful work to get the best possible images. There is so much to do and it’s never-ending. 2:30 p.m. Daddy messages asking again if I can go to the bank. This can leave you with drying bottles spread all over your kitchen benchtops, struggling to find a clean, dry bottle when you need one. A Day in the Life of New Parents. 12:00 p.m. Baby Noa finally sleeps after I put her back on the boob a couple of times. Kiss her a million times until she cries. They wake up, want to eat and have a nappy change (or the other way around) and then want to be settled and cuddled before going back to sleep. I also reply back asking if he will be home early. Yay! His answer is no. But that sweet sense that your baby is relying on you translates into a lot of work in the practical world. Babies are likely to wear two or three outfits a day, between nappy leaks and spit-up. And as the saying goes, "No one said it would be easy. I ask, “Where is the sushi?” I also forgot to tell him to pick up Harper from her play date on his way home. Eating A newborn spends over three hours a day feeding; she eats 8 to 12 times over a 24-hour period. OMG. Pick up baby girl, warm dinner that was prepared on Sunday. It’s a good idea to prepare several bottles in advance, so you’re not rushing about trying to get the bottle ready while your hungry baby is crying (more on this later). 7:10am – Feed: You’ll feed the baby, which takes about 20 to 40 minutes. Perhaps you didn’t expect your newborn to be puffy-eyed and wrinkled with a bit of a conehead, but it makes sense considering her long stay in your cramped and watery uterus, followed by a tight squeeze through the birth canal. You will learn to tune in to your baby and her needs, but she also needs time to adjust to her new world." A Day in the Life of a Postpartum Nurse. 12:00 p.m.  Baby Noa finally sleeps after I put her back on the boob a couple of times. Anna was six months old.) I have my cold coffee and breakfast and scroll through Instagram. In this vlog, you will see what a typical day in the life with a newborn baby is like! Newborns are at least somewhat predictable. But taking advantage of the time-saving tools available to you and being organized can help make your life as a new parent easier. Confession: I had completely forgotten this stage of the game … they were right when they say parents get amnesia. Ending. Well this is my very first blog post so I thought I may as well jump right in! Hour commute… Provide guidance to the children of Philadelphia… Hour commute. The answer is no. My original post on my daily routine with baby girl when she was just 4 1/2 months old has received quite a bit of attention, which I’m really thrilled about since my primary goal in starting this blog was to help make life a little easier for other new moms!. Studies suggest that new parents get just four hours and 44 minutes’ sleep per night. Hey Amanda – I just stumbled across your blog as I was searching for some typical “day in the life of a newborn” outline – (I’m such a virgo) – Even though I’m very aware that there is no such as thing as every day looking the same with a newborn, it just helps to get a sense of what an average outline is :)So thank you for this!