Reading this message will reveal to the player that the Patriot is hiding in a maintenance closet and to meet them there. Reach the Cambridge Polymer Labs and head to the laboratory section of the facility. Fallout 4 Maps & Quests » Quests » Underground Undercover. This includes "Synth Retention," "The Battle of Bunker Hill," "Mankind - Redefined," "Mass Fusion," "Pinned," and "Powering Up" as the final quest. I should contact Desdemona to find them. Z1-14 has urgent news. He asks the player to return to the HQ as soon as possible to inform the Railroad of the imminent attack. Perhaps he's finally ready to launch the Synth rebellion. Z1-14 is willing to fight for his freedom, but he needs 24 hours to contact other potential Synth rebels. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. I should follow Liam to meet his accomplice. Taking too long to kill the guards will cause the Institute to become hostile and prevent further entry. Go now. Find a save right before (or DIRECTLY after) you're about to have your first board meeting as Director with The Institute. Patriot has a plan to rescue 13 Synths at once. editor id Return to the Institute and deliver the password and news to Liam Binet and Z1-14. TradecraftThe Molecular Level He is more than willing to work with the Railroad to free more synths. But they need weapons. Here's a step by step guide to make it simpler! It should be noted that the player must complete the quest Institutionalized at this point in order to be able to leave the Institute compound. Endorsements. Tinker Tom's encoded holotape worked. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. If Drummer Boy tells you that "Dez has an op for you" as you enter RailRoad HQ to warn them about BoS, this is usually the conflict. Fallout 4. close. After meeting with the Directorate, a runner will arrive in the meeting room with a message from Z1-14 that the Sole Survivor's quarters have flooded and they are needed there immediately. The password can be found in the laboratory section of the building on the second floor. requirements As continuing to work with Father means completing. Fallout 4: Railroad quests walkthrough. This can come in the form of Patriot, their covert Institute contact. 10 Open-World Games That Are Actually Longer Than Red Dead Redemption 2, 10 Video Game Remakes Rebuilt From The Ground Up, 10 Horror Games That Are Scary Without Relying On Gore, Little Nightmares 2: 10 Hidden Messages & Secret Meanings, Little Nightmares 2: All Of The Enemies In The Game, Ranked By Their Creep Factor, Pokemon: The 10 Strongest GX Cards, Ranked, 10 Assassin's Creed Games With The Best Open-Worlds, One Piece: 10 Best Filler Arcs According To IMDb, 10 Things About FromSoftware Games That Everyone Loves, My Hero Academia: The 10 Best Story Arcs So Far, Ranked, 10 Non-Psychic Pokemon That Can Learn Psychic-Type Moves, 10 Best Movies Featuring Godzilla (Or Kong), Ranked, The 14 Best FPS Games On The PlayStation 2, Ranked, Animal Crossing New Horizons: Every Way To Get Non-Native Fruits On Your Island, Pokemon: 10 Underrated TMs You Should Be Using, Super Mario Sunshine: 10 Things Only Real Fans Know About FLUDD. She will tell the player that she wants to help Z1-14 escort every synth out of the Institute, not just the 13 he mentioned previously. There's a mining tunnel that has materials they need to make crude weapons. It offers a great mix of espionage and combat quests that no other faction questline offers. Complete "Underground Undercover" You have not earned this achievement yet. Sitting at any chair in the Institute will allow the player to wait for a certain period of time. Version. Games. Underground Undercover Desdemona gave me an encoded holotape that I can use at any Institute terminal to make contact with the Railroad's guardian angel, Patriot. Once players reach this stage, Father will instruct the player to take down the Railroad. 6. Underground Undercover; Warn Desdemona Bug? When the time is right, Z1-14 will contact me. The 'Underground Undercover' quest wants me to warn Desdemona. 600+ XP500 capsRailway rifleRailway spikesUnlock legendary variants of the railway rifle to be found randomly as loot on legendary enemies Objective: Upload encrypted message on any Institute terminal But more importantly I should see if Z1-14 is willing to fight for his freedom. Log in to view progress Overview List. At this stage, players need to report back to the Railroad to figure out where the password is. Be sure to check out Polygon's full guide to Fallout 4 for tips, tricks and help. She proposes instead that they should use this opportunity to free every synth in the Institute. The Sole Survivor returns to Desdemona at Railroad HQ and is instructed to enter their mission report in the terminal in P.A.M.'s office. Z1 asks the player to kill a few Institute guards in the nearby tunnels and steal their weapons so the synths have some form of defense when they try to escape. NEXT: Fallout 3 Vs. Fallout 4 Commands Commands Companions Weapons Item Codes Perks Special Ranks Achievements Console Keys Fallout 4 Commands / Achievements / Underground Undercover Underground Undercover. Triggered by using The Railroad to help you build the signal interceptor during Story 10 - The Molecular Level. Players can complete this task whenever they see fit. Until then I need to continue working with Father in order to maintain my cover. RELATED: Fallout 4: 10 Of The Best Easter Eggs In The Game. The weakened Railroad needs an edge over the Institute. Complete "Underground Undercover" You have not earned this achievement yet. ... the mesh path should be 'persephone\Underground Undercover\outfit1stp.nif' as opposed to the current 'persephone\Underground Undercover\outfit.nif.' Underground Undercover trophy in Fallout 4: Complete "Underground Undercover" - worth 15 Trophy XP. At quest stage 500, returning to the Railroad starts a speech from Desdemona where she refers to them as "the Wanderer" instead of their actual, chosen code name. Quest chain Underground Undercover is an achievement in Fallout 4. The optional "deposit weapons" objective is completed when weapons (not counting explosive weapons such as land mines and grenades) have been placed in the marked locker 8-10 times. But he needs login credentials for CIT's original security system, Code Defender, to do so. After consulting other synths about the idea, Z1-14 believes it is possible. P.A.M. analyzes the data and recommends that the login credentials for Wilfred Bergman may be found in Cambridge Polymer Labs. Z1-14 and his rebel Synths are armed and ready. Icon Trophy Rarity Type ; Underground Undercover Complete "Underground Undercover". He wants to meet. The Underground Undercover trophy is a bronze trophy and can be received for: Complete "Underground Undercover" The guards are in a maintenance tunnel between Synth Retention and Robotics. Complete Underground Undercover Follow the previous steps, but replace Glory's ID with Deacon's: Make sure you've finished the side quest "Operation Ticonderoga". To fix go to Railroad HQ and use. This mission begins automatically after completing Underground Undercover. That will happen once you finish the quest Powering Up, which means that you will need to continue being loyal to the Institute. It's locked behind an Expert terminal password, but players can reach it by climbing through the ceiling passage nearby. 1. To do this, players need to obtain an encrypted message holotape from Tinker Tom and upload it into any Institute computer. Xbox achievement image. After they are dispatched, the worker synths will give their thanks and collapse the tunnel after the Sole Survivor departs. They'll stage the deaths as a construction accident, so players don't need to worry about how they kill the guards. Fallout 4. close., Railroad main quest: Underground Undercover. After that my game worked as it should (got to fight off the BoS attack, got the mission to attack the Prydwen, looted Final Judgement off of Maxson's corpse, was able to warn Desdemona again after talking to … 000B2D48 One of the Railroad's more interesting quests is the "Underground Undercover" quest. To escape, Liam will need to bypass SRB electronic security to open some doors, but he isn't able to crack it. The only way to keep both the BoS and the RR on your side is to switch to the Minutemen and finish the main quest line with them. Leads to Permafrost. Talking to Z1-14 will reveal that the Brotherhood of Steel has found the Railroad HQ and plans to attack immediately. RR201 He introduces the Sole Survivor to a synth named Z1-14 who has been working with him to help synths escape. Instead, he requests a pre-War admin password from the surface. Patriot turns out to be Liam Binet, an Institute scientist and son of Alan Binet, the head of the Robotics department. When they arrive, Z1-14 states that he's discovered that the Brotherhood of Steel have found the Railroad HQ and are preparing to attack, so the Railroad needs to be warned as soon as possible. Find guides to this achievement here. This objective updates even after its completion; removing enough weapons from the locker will unmark it as completed while Underground Undercover is active. I was hoping for more time to organize our rebellion, but it's clear we cannot delay. This objective updates even after its completion; removing enough weapons from the locker will unmark it as completed while Placing a stack of weapons is seen by the game as only one weapon, so the player character must put them in the crate one at a time. Just before teleporting into the Institute Desdemona will give you a tape which begins the quest. I want to throw my PS4 out of the window. Fallout 4: Which Game Is Better? Now I need to let him know the good news. Head back to Desdemona at Railroad HQ. At this stage, players will need to wait 24 in-game hours before talking to Z1-14 again. Underground Undercover Achievement Game Save. Siding with one of four factions is required to finish the story, with arguably one of the most interesting factions to join being the Railroad. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. Uploading the message will send a message to the player named "Urgent Reply." I sent an encrypted message to Patriot and received a message back: "Meet at the Advanced Systems maintenance room.". The quest can be force completed by using either the command, This may be caused by Brotherhood important NPCs being dead. gamescore Find guides to this achievement here. It was great making two different types of characters. Quest animation You should have used the “Network Scanner” holotape on the console just outside of the relay to contact Patriot, in which case you would have been told to meet it in the Advanced Systems … Underground Undercover is both a quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. Underground Undercover Achievement | Fallout 4 Wiki Sign In This concludes the Patriot's role with this questline. Fallout 4: Underground Undercover - A Step By Step Quest Guide, Fallout 4: 5 Most Useful Perks (& 5 That Are Useless), Fallout 4: 10 Of The Best Easter Eggs In The Game, Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed In The Glowing Sea. This … Underground Undercover is a Railroad main quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. In order for the synths to escape, they need to override the security of the facility with a password they don't have. He speaks with the other synths and is surprised at how many volunteers he receives. Head back to Railroad HQ and warn Desdemona of the attack. Steam Achievements PlayStation Trophies. this is the first fallout game I've ever played. With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. Remember to come back to check for updates to this guide and much more content for Fallout 4 Print this page More Guides Underground Undercover A runner will soon appear and ask the player to talk with Z1-14. Unfortunately, they've only been able to … That said, they are severely unarmed. videogame_asset My games. 1,249. Fallout 4 . Z1 will prepare the rebellion during this time. Polygon homepage. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Talk with Tinker Tom; Upload encrypted message on … While the Railroad considers Liam's plan for escorting the synths to safety, P.A.M. instructs players to head to Cambridge Polymer Labs. Finish the board meeting. This may also be caused by Deacon being dead. For those looking to side with the Railroad, here is a complete guide to completing the "Underground Undercover" quest in Fallout 4. Bronze Find guides to this trophy here. The final meeting with Z1-14 (after completing Powering Up) causes, Even if the player character completed most of this quest (up until the objective "Keep working with Father") and is still allied with the Railroad, should the player become, Completion of this quest will allow legendary variants of the. Underground Undercover achievement in Fallout 4: Complete "Underground Undercover" - worth 10 Gamerscore. In the quest Underground undercover you are supposed to go undercover in the institute to rescue synths, and you meet a man named Liam, who leads you to a synth called Z1-14, who you help to get weapons, and then go on to wait until he's done with the preperations. He recommends asking the Railroad for any leads on where to find one. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. I must warn Desdemona before it's too late. Anyways, I'm trying (for the second time) to team up with the Railroad. During dialogue there will be two persuasion … Hopefully she's come up with a plan to help rescue Patriot's 13 Synths. Deliver the password to him and inform Liam that the Railroad wishes to work with Z1-14 for the rest of the operation. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Players should be able to find the password on a terminal on the second floor. Fallout 4 Wiki will guide you with information on weapons, armor, enemies, perks, maps, guides and walkthroughs. Talk to Desdemona in Railroad HQ after visiting The Institute. form id She instructs the Sole Survivor to give Liam the password he requested, but then to cut him loose and coordinate with Z1-14 instead from then on. Next Railroad faction quests Major Quests Operation Ticonderoga Prev Railroad faction quests Major Quests Boston After Dark. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. At this point the quest is put on hold until the Institute orders the Sole Survivor to take on the Railroad during End of the Line. Home Maps Quests Bobbleheads Magazines Perks. This may be caused by Glory being dead. Note that in order to leave the Cambridge Polymer Labs, players will need to complete the quest here in order to disengage the lockdown. This bug can also occur if the player character has not killed any members of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Prydwen, Boston Airport, or the Cambridge Police Station, or if Glory is still alive. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Warning her will complete the quest. Bringing up Desdemona's idea to Z1-14 sparks doubt among him at first, but he does think it might be possible. Underground Undercover is a Quest in Fallout 4. Now I just need to save the Railroad then teleport my friends inside the Institute. Underground Undercover Fallout 4 Guide. Looking over Liam's plan, Desdemona concludes that if it is successful, it may never be possible for Liam to free another synth ever again due to the Institute going on high-alert following such a security breach. 0. Speak to Z1-14 again once the guards are dead to receive his thanks. Fallout 4 underground undercover bug *Spoilers* please help? Liam expresses surprise that anyone decoded the messages he was sending out with each synth he freed and were then able to contact him back, and he is excited at the prospect of coordinating with the Railroad. If you do "Mass Fusion" for anyone other than the BoS, they will turn hostile towards you. But in order to do that we'll need help. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Skip to main content. RELATED: Fallout 4: 5 Most Useful Perks (& 5 That Are Useless). Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. In the meantime, the Sole Survivor should keep working with Father until they are ready. Underground Undercover Main Story, The Railroad Quest. Underground Undercover achievement in Fallout 4: Complete "Underground Undercover". PC beta patch 1.3 resolves this issue in at least some cases. The wasteland doesn't end with Underground Undercover. Perhaps with him (or her) we can devise a way to rescue many synths. After uploading the message, the Sole Survivor should read the 'Urgent Reply' message, which turns out to be a message from Patriot telling the Sole Survivor to meet him in a maintenance closet. Guide for Fallout 4 - Institute Ending. Once the player gets far enough in the Railroad's quest chain, they will be tasked with making contact with an anonymous Institute scientist that has been helping synths escape. Fallout 3 Vs. Desdemona instructs the Sole Survivor to retrieve it while they consider Liam's plan. So I need to give Patriot his login credentials. If Deacon is dead, this can also cause the same issue. Upon entering the Railroad HQ, the Sole Survivor will be approached by Drummer Boy and notified that Desdemona wishes to speak to them. Talking to Desdemona will direct the player to P.A.M. Previous quest Underground Undercover videogame_asset My games. … Fallout 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details. It is worth 10 points and can be received for: Complete "Underground Undercover" Meet with Z1-14 to continue this quest. Z1-14 found many volunteers willing to fight for their freedom. Fallout 4: Which Game Is Better? Now that I have the login credentials for Code Defender, I need to contact Desdemona. so I built the teleporter to get into the institute with the railroads help and desdemona says she's going to give me the encrypted message when i stand on the teleporter. I've had to play it twice to really "get it", but that's cool. In order to access it, however, the quest Cambridge Polymer Labs must be completed before escape from the building is possible. Back in the Institute, the Sole Survivor gives Liam the password, then meets with Z1-14 to discuss Desdemona's proposal. Z1-14 has been working alongside Liam and wants to help 13 Institute synths escape the facility when the time is right. Nov 29, 2017 @ 8:41pm Failed underground undercover i ... i then told father the truth ending with “I want out” i failed Underground Undercover and now have to use the minuteman to finish the railroad questline. Desdemona And it's a ton of fun! After finishing. With the tunnel guards eliminated, Z1-14 has the materials he needs to make crude weapons for the uprising. For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Underground Undercover won't start - SPOILERS". 10 Once she is warned of the attack, however, the final quests of Fallout 4's campaign will begin and lock the player to a specific faction. Between the Synth Retention and Robotics wings lies a maintenance tunnel that has the guards Z1 was referring to earlier. I've met Patriot, Liam Binet. Fallout 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details. To fix use. given by Speaking with Z1-14, he gives his thanks as well and states that they need time to prepare. So this is really getting on my nerves. Expand to show, Fallout 4 achievement/trophy She wants to rescue them all. Log in to view progress Underground Undercover: Complete "Underground Undercover" Achievement points: 10 Gamerscore. Fallout 4: Underground Undercover - A Step By Step Quest Guide Tinker Tom provides the encrypted message holotape (Network Scanner holotape) that will upload a message for Patriot to the Institute's network in the hopes that Patriot sees it and comes forward to identify themselves. For players who haven't progressed far enough in the Institute's quest chain, they will need to complete every main quest up to and including the "Powering Up" questline. Precipice of WarBurning Cover (if it ends in failure) Post Comment. Depending on how far the player is in the main story will determine what they must do next. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Remove this ad Subscribe to Premium. They will need weapons, however, so he requests that the Sole Survivor aid them by killing a few guards so they can stage a construction accident, allowing a few synths to go into hiding in order to construct weapons. He's eager to rescue a lot of Synths at once. It is not however, necessary to exit out between each deposit. Thank you for printing this page from The Brotherhood of Steel has somehow discovered the location of Railroad HQ. There is no restriction as to how they should be killed, but do note that they must be killed in a timely fashion. trophy type If all of the guards are not dispatched quickly enough in the tunnels after the Sole Survivor is detected, the Institute may become hostile. If you do "Underground Undercover" the BoS will turn hostile towards you. reward Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Players will need to work with an Institute scientist and a synth to prepare a rebellion inside the Institute and help every synth escape. RELATED: Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed In The Glowing Sea. I've received a cryptic message from Z1-14. He agrees with the plan and asks for 24 hours to ensure that it is possible. After the Sole Survivor gets into the Institute, the Railroad wants them to make contact with an anonymous person inside, nicknamed Patriot, who has been helping synths escape. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I assume that you are on the quest Underground Undercover, and you are at the step where you are waiting for Z1-14 to be ready for you. Set it to 24 hours, wait, then return to Z1-14 for new dialogue. It will tell the player that Wilfred Bergman, one of the original Pre-War C.I.T. scientists, has a password that should work. Games. THE RAILROAD QUEST 03 - Underground Undercover. Z1-14 will need time to build weapons and recruit more rebels. While it would seem that warning the Railroad would be time-limited, it isn't. The Sole Survivor may optionally offer to provide additional weapons, which Z1-14 instructs to be placed in a maintenance closet. I thought I had the option to choose sides but with this bug I either wipe out the whole faction I want to work for, or never finish the game. Fallout 4 Railroad main quest This quest will be triggered or can be aquired when you complete The Molecular Level quest. During the conversation with Desdemona, the Sole Survivor will be told to check on the status of the Ticonderoga Safehouse and kill any Coursersthat get in their way. At the safehouse, there will be multiple synths and a Courser named X9-27who will approach the Sole Survivor. Desdemona doesn't want to rescue 13 Synths. Fallout 4's main questline has dozens of quests and multiple ways for which it can branch out. To do that would require the synths themselves to rise up and fight for their freedom, instead of operating in the shadows. Underground Undercover Information Objectives. But somehow, I keep screwing up Underground Undercover. Once you secure the Railroad against the Brotherhood, tell your people we are ready to fight. Walking into this closet will reveal the Patriot to be Liam Binet. I haven't progressed the 'End of the Line' quest past the point where it wants me to talk to Father. The signal interceptor does not need to be built with the Railroad to be able to start this quest. You are at one of the points of no return. They discuss how many synths are ready to leave and propose a plan to free all thirteen at once with the Sole Survivor's help. 6. Underground Undercover (Part 1)¶ Now that you have a means of coming and going to and from the Institute as you please, it’s time to start working at completing the Railroad’s schemes. 7.60% Very Rare : Missable Story. Fallout 4: Underground Undercover walkthrough - Polygon. chevron_left. I just have to take out the guards. Before Patriot fully commits to helping, however, he has the player meet a synth named Z1-14. Liam Binet can be found in the Institute in the same spot as before. Fallout 4's main questline has dozens of quests and multiple ways for which it can branch out. chevron_left.