exp. Dessen ungeachtet finden bei vielen politischen Lösungen für ländliche Gebiete deren spezielle Merkmale und wirkliche Bedürfnisse nicht ausreichend Berücksichtigung. You use "deren" when the "owning noun" is feminine or plural, while "dessen" is used for masculine and neuter nouns. whose [relative adjective, relative pronoun] of whom or which (the) Show me the boy whose father is a policeman What is the name of the man whose this book is? Another common mistake is a double-genitive construction such as the following: Nach dem Tod seines Vaters wurde er Leiter dessen Betriebes. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. Mann is the "Bezugswort". Look up the German to English translation of deren in the PONS online dictionary. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. Many translated example sentences containing "Produkt, dessen" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Deren is used when the person or noun in question has already been named or referred to, and is feminine or plural: Seine königliche Hoheit, der Prinz, wird die Frau heiraten, deren Fuß in diesen Glasschuh passt. a building, on the ground floor of which ... Er, dessen Name nicht genannt werden darf. Die bladsy is laas op 17 Februarie 2018 om 07:49 bygewerk. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "deren" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen. The number of the part whose usage attributes will be edited. The slide range whose color scheme will be changed. dessen / deren bloße Beschreibung {f} the mere description of whom Glycin {n} und dessen Natriumsalz glycine and its sodium salt [E-640]chem.FoodInd.... dessen / deren sich unsere Firma erfreut.... which our company has enjoyed. Wessen, dessen, and deren are all genitive relative pronouns. an dessen / deren einer Seite on (the) one side of which auf dessen / deren Überschreitung hin upon the exceeding of which It's singular and male => the relative pronoun must be singular and male, too He has a dog which is called Angie. Italian Translation for [deren] - dict.cc English-Italian Dictionary His Royal Highness, the Prince, will marry the … Since dessen and deren do not occur in vernacular German, unexercised users of literary German often make grammatical mistakes in using these pronouns. Wessen, dessen, and deren are all genitive relative pronouns. auf deren - English translation – Linguee Look up in Linguee The dog belongs to him (possesion / ownership) => genitive deren translate: her/its/their, whose. diese Stadt und deren Bürger. Beware of the doctor, whose wife sells cemetery plots, whose brother owns a granite quarry, and whose father deals in shovels. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for dessen and thousands of other words. Es macht einfach Spaß, mit denen Zeit zu verbringen. (Translation of dessen from the … a) an eine Einzelperson für deren persönliche Zwecke oder für Zwecke der Familie oder des Haushalts; (a) To an individual for his or her personal, family or household purposes; I am aware (that) ... ; I am aware of the fact that ... 'dessen' also found in translations in English-German dictionary, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All German-English translations from our dictionary, Das EU-Programm PHARE unterstützt dieses Amt, um, The EU Phare programme is providing support to this agency in order to increase, Feinkörniges Polyetherketonpulver, Verfahren zur, Fine-grained polyester ketone powder, method for. deren - Englisch-Übersetzung – … The word is in the Wiktionary 49 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.) Many translated example sentences containing "auf deren" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. L'importo di riferimento sulla base del quale sono determinati i pagamenti contrattuali. eine Vorahnung dessen, was da kommen würde. Scopri la traduzione in italiano del termine deren nel Dizionario di Tedesco di Corriere.it Combinations of active ingredients, pharmaceutical preparations, as … Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'deren' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Hüte dich vor dem Arzt, dessen Frau Gräber verkauft, dessen Bruder einen Granitsteinbruch besitzt und dessen Vater mit Schaufeln handelt. Wir hatten den Auftraggeber bereits bei der Planung des Projekts auf Basis unseres partnerschaftlichen Geschäftsmodells PreFair beraten und die Virtual-Construction-Technologie eingesetzt: HOCHTIEF ViCon entwickelte ein komplexes 3-D-Modell des Einkaufszentrums, anhand dessen die exakten Mengen der benötigten Baumaterialien berechnet werden konnten. List of translations starting with the same letters. Traduzione di "dessen" in italiano quale la sua il suo ciò sue ne tale i suoi relativo quest'ultimo quanto dal Referenzwert, anhand dessen vertragliche Zahlungen festgelegt werden. In your example it actually doesn't matter, but try to figure out who are the parents of the son in this sentence: Sie haben ihre Freunde und ihren Sohn eingeladen.The son could belong to family 1 or family 2. Cerca qui la traduzione tedesco-italiano di deren nel dizionario PONS! Among unexercised users of formal standard German, one can frequently read or hear dessen when deren would be correct (or occasionally vice versa), since neither of these forms is used in normal vernacular German. ungeachtet dessen notwithstanding that conj. ... dessen / deren sich unsere Firma erfreut. the mere description of whom... deren Unterstützung von Wert war.... whose support has been of value.... dessen / deren sich unsere Firma erfreut. [LAW] in Anbetracht dessen, dass deren. 'deren' found in translations in English-German dictionary. those who are put in authority over us. Es macht einfach Spaß, mit denen Zeit zu verbringen. Art/Literary - Linguistics / art of enlightenment. He's written a book that I've forgotten the name of. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Translation of "deren" in English their her thereof therefor whose same that having those latter's Deren such wherein said aimed method Wirkstoffkombinationen, pharmazeutische Präparate sowie deren Herstellung. I don't know anybody's capabilities better than I know his. https://tedesco.yabla.com/lesson--Wessen-dessen-deren-and-denen-963 exp. diejenigen, deren … The most common mistake is to use dessen where deren would be correct (or occasionally vice versa). Regardless of the veracity or otherwise of that account, ... Ungeachtet dessen, was Politiker sagen ... the man whose daughters you're speaking to. Ich kenne den Mann, dessen Hund Angie heißt. in Anbetracht dessen, dass whereas conj. All rights reserved. Collaborative Dictionary German-English. The relative pronoun denen, however, is used for relative clauses involving a plural noun in the dative case, with prepositions such as mit, auf, nach, or bei. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. dessen - Genitiv männlich, sächlich albeit conj. This notwithstanding , many political solutions for rural areas fail to consider their specific features and real needs adequately. English Translation for in dessen - dict.cc Danish-English Dictionary dessen ungeachtet albeit conj. You can complete the translation of dessen given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries. Translation German - English Collins Dictionary. No translations were found in the PONS Dictionary. Synonym for deren Those are so called "possessive Relativpronomen". Since dessen and deren do not occur in vernacular German, unexercised users of literary German often make grammatical mistakes in using these pronouns. ungeachtet dessen, dass seeing that conj. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer 20 translations were found in examples from the Internet. The most common mistake is to use dessen where deren would be correct (or occasionally vice versa). — English words — english n. (US) Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling. : Das EU-Programm PHARE unterstützt dieses Amt, um dessen Niveau an Fachkompetenz sowie dessen operative Effizienz zu verbessern. The relative pronoun denen, however, is used for relative clauses involving a plural noun in the dative case, with prepositions such as mit, auf, nach, or bei. Deern, dereinst, derer, der. Die teks is beskikbaar onder die lisensie Creative Commons Erkenning-Insgelyks Deel.Aanvullende voorwaardes … bearing in mind that ... ; remembering that ... in consideration {or} view of the fact that ... in spite of it raining ; in spite of the fact that it is raining. Er hat ein Buch geschrieben, dessen Titel ich vergessen habe. ungeachtet dessen despite this conj. Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis. Deren or dessen are used to prevent misunderstanding concerning possessions in sentences with more than two persons or two groups of persons.. Die Nummer des Teils, dessen Verwendungsattribute bearbeitet werden. : Der Folienbereich, dessen Farbschema geändert wird. this town and the citizens thereof. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. (I know the man whose dog is called Angie.) German term or phrase:deren oder derer (deutsch-deutsch) Ich stoße bei Übersetzungen immer wieder auf die Frage, was von beiden zu wählen ist, letztes Beispiel: "Ein Wunder geht niemals verloren. Consider: Sie haben ihre Freunde und ihren Sohn eingeladen. You are viewing results spelled similarly: deepen , deafen , deaden , siren , den , derby , denizen , derived , derange , derelict , warren , barren , denier , dermis , derive , derail and deride. Es gibt niemanden, dessen Fähigkeiten ich besser kenne (als seine).