There will be exceptions depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize. so need not change the example. GRAMMARSAURUS TEACHES *ALL* SUBJECTS!! The action in Simple Past interrupted the action in Past Progressive. 3. Present: Use "while" or "as" to express what always happens when something else important takes place. How many times did the phone ring here? Also, “While I was a child” is unnatural because the BE verb (was a child) is a state verb. On the other hand, we use ‘when’ to give emphasis on the time or when something happened. ² present tense vs. present progressive tense– "We get together" expresses habit or custom. Your email address will not be published. Present perfect progressive tense: Perfect progressive tense describes actions that have been ongoing. Telling a story (as the both share this point) 2 For example, the sentence’ She hurt her ankle when she was playing basketball’ is probably intended to respond to when she hurt her ankle. We use them to introduce subordinate clauses. it is too easy assay and very beautiful showing which using simple words to display the idea of these similar conjunctions . ThoughtCo. The use of when doesn’t suggest it was an ongoing action. Because we are using While + present progressive, we are focusing on duration. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, Home . Well, when an action is too long (e.g. Complete List of Past Continuous Forms Wonderful teaching! People in many countries enjoy ice swimming. Do you want to practise using present simple and present continuous in English? 1. Dear Team, I hope this comment finds you perfectly well, Kindly, I would like to know the differences between using the "present simple" and "present continuous" in the following: 1. jump, kick, shower, drink). We're going to speak about the modifications as you eat lunch.She'll work out the order details while we discuss what to do next. MB, thank you i have a question is there any differences between these sentences: while she was cooking , i was studying when she was cooking , i was studying. Listen to … About English Current . "During" is a preposition and is used with a noun or noun phrase. Progressive tenses use the BE verb + a verb in ~ing form. The verb in the while clause is mostly progressive, expressing repetitive or detailed activities. Present progressive and present continuous are the same tense. However, "as / so long as" is used for longer period of times, while "when" and "as" are used for more specific, shorter periods of time. It is also called present progressive tense. You should also get familiar with itsusage and rules – visit the Present Progressive Tensepageto help you with that. Present: Use "as / so long as" to express that something happens or doesn't happen over the entire period of time that another event occurs. Which one is correct? English as a Second Language (ESL) Expert. Future: Use "while" or "as" to state something that occurs at the same moment that something else — the main focus of the sentence — important will occur. ), (*Note you can also use when here, but as a general rule, while is suitable.). The past progressive is formed using was or were and the ing (present participle) form of the verb. Instead of future continuous, present continuous is used. Añade tu respuesta y gana puntos. Using “present progressive” gives us a better idea of its meaning – the word “progressive” suggests that something is in progress or changing. When we say ‘the phone was ringing’ in the progressive, we are saying that this happened for some time. To conjugate the future progressive tense we follow the rule: will + be + present participle or ing-form. Therefore, the most natural verb tense to use is a progressive tense, which shows that an action is in progress at a certain time. For example: Lisa is dancing right now. Contractions in the Present Progressive (Continuous) In general we contract (or shorten) the subject (the person or thing doing the action), and form of be: I am > I’m – I’m going to the store in about ten minutes. We can use as, when and while to mean ‘during the time that’, to connect two events happening at the same time: Another coach-load of … Can you think of any examples when it is wrong to use when and you have to use while? Retrieved from Thank you very much.I have got what I need. "A progressive tense is usually used for the longer 'background action'". The period of twelve years when you were a child is too long to use a progressive tense. This use of "while" and "as" is not as common as the time expression "when." It became popular Can you try to write an example sentence? – A car crashed into a tree when/ while I was crossing the street. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. This is fantastic ,, wow I really got what I want, If you folow thé difenition ,focus on you will figure out everything Becuse i do think thet you miss understend such es thé période of cooking it wes not long so you re eble to ennonce thé first enswers to be thé correct one, Thank you so much it really helped me :-). (full adverb time clause with subject and verb), They are going to visit the Empire State Building as they visit New York. Students will work in pairs. can you post some activities based on it?? Your explanation really helps me when I have to teach my adult students. Key question: How many times did the phone ring? Hello. Doug was drying the dishes while we were watching TV.Peter took notes as we discussed the merger. Notice how the meaning remains the same in both structures: We discussed the situation during lunch. A good easy-to-follow rule for students. Yes. The verb in the when clause is mostly nonprogressive, expressing an activity without particular focus on duration. (2020, August 25). Remember, these are general tips (not fixed rules). I was a child), we lose focus. Although examples are provided for the past, present and future, "as long as" and "so long as" are generally used with future forms. Updated September 21, 2019. It is common to use while with actions happening at a specific time (e.g. All the best. In other cases when you don’t need to emphasize that an action was in progress or the action is short and without a significant duration, use when and a simple tense. It is also called Present Continuous . We discussed the situation while we were eating lunch. If a sentence uses while, it suggests that the action happened over a period of time. This is correct. Here are some tips on the use of these two conjunctions. Driving is an action verb and the action is limited in duration. Thankyou very much! While, As, As/So Long As: Describing Action. The present progressive (continuous) is formed using am, is or are together with the ing (present participle) form of the verb. "We usually use 'while' to say that two longer actions or situations go/went on at the same time. Introduction The simple present tense is often confused with the present continuous tense.This page will explain when to use each one. For example, I am eating the meal. Present continuous signal words Signal words are words or phrases which often go hand in hand with a particular tense. Beare, Kenneth. favorite spot (expression) – a preferred restaurant, café, bar, plaza Hosted by Dreamhost. The meaning is basically the same. In other words, driving is a short activity that has a clear start and end. Simple Past → the telephone rang. Present: Present Progressive Use Describing things that happen at the moment of speech or things that happen exceptionally; talking about a plan that happens in the near future While When I lived in my hometown, my mother made me dinner. (full adverb time clause with subject and verb). at 11 p.m.). If we change it to “while” she was playing basketball, the sentence is essentially the same, but you could probably argue that ‘while’ focuses on the idea that basketball was _in progress_ at that time (though this is already obvious). This is too long to focus on. Click here for the full info, rules, examples and exercises on the present progressive and how to use it. Past Progressive Vs. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and was/were. (Natural). The simple present tense Habits Actions which happen regularly (for example, every day or Master Verb Tenses With This Sentence Structure Chart, M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music, B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music. Question: Were you studyingwhen she called? For example: While I was living in India, there was a big earthquake. Why is #2 not natural? "As long as" and "so long as" are similar in use to "while" and "as." 2. Also, your sentence should say ‘matches’, not ‘match’. Instead, state verbs describe states or conditions (e.g. nataliaemanuelaespin está esperando tu ayuda. Use the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses. "While, As, As/So Long As: Describing Action." (While is not natural). We use while to focus on an action happening at a specific time. Notice that the preposition "during" is often used in place of "while" or "as" to express the same idea. Grammar Rule Examples I play tennis every Sunday. Negatives are made with not. Take a look at the following examples to note the difference. The speaker chooses to use ‘While’ + present progressive’ to focus on an action being in progress (living) when another action happened. I hope these ideas have been useful. "While" and "as" are sometimes confused with the preposition "during." Teacher prepares cards with Words on them and explains to students they must form sentences using the Present Continuous / Progressive Tense. Use of Past Progressive puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past Example: He was playing football. When they were washing the dishes, she did her homework. (The action started is short; it is not something in progress). I will break up the verbs on the ‘banned list’ into two smaller groups because I think you are more likely to have problems with the first group. Beare, Kenneth. Because we’re using when, we don’t know. 1. 1. Hello. The best I can find is that it is called "Present Progressive" or "Present Continuous". Present: Use "while" or "as" to express what always happens when something else important takes place. She didn't get any exercise as long as she was working 60 hours a week.Peter didn't enjoy his company so long as he was in the house. The past continuous is formed using was/were + present participle. The phone may have rang once and stopped. 4 minutes. We can use progressive or simple tenses. There’s another reason. The table below provides an overview of the future progressive tense in positive, negative and interrogative sentences. In English grammar , the present progressive is a verb construction comprised of a present form of the verb "to be" plus a present participle that usually conveys a sense of ongoing action at the present time.